it is expected that the number of people engaging in this field will be 35.000 in then years later.4623

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 10:23:51

it is expected that the number of people engaging in this field will be 35.000 in then years later.4623
it is expected that the number of people engaging in this field will be 35.000 in then years later.4623

it is expected that the number of people engaging in this field will be 35.000 in then years later.4623
in the years later

是不是in ten years later

that is exactly what I expected是什么意思? as we have expected,as we expected,as we had expected,as is expected,as it is expected这些表达都对吗?分别在什么情况下用 英语翻译翻译‘It is also expected that friends will turn up on time for meetings with each other.’ Today it is surprising that he came an hour earlier than ____A.expected B.expecting C.expect expect it is expected that the number of people engaging in this field will be 35.000 in then years later.4623 改错 Is this man whom you talked to just now? That we expected, he did it successfully The book you lent me is not what I expected. I found什么 myselfA it Bone C that Dthis it is expected that the building____completed by nexy month.1.will be2.will have been为什么是2,不是1 ______,all the students in our class have passed the examA)it is expected all B)we all expect C)it is expected that D)as is expected 请说明选择的理由,并翻译全句 2)he's somewhere______ A)in 50 years old B)in his fifties C)in fifty years D _____,all the students in our class have passed the examA)it is expected all B)we all expect C)it is expected that D)as is expected 请说明选择的理由,请问在这里是作什么状语啊,AS为什么不能解释为因为,作原因状语呢2)h 翻译:it is expected to be the second one 英语翻译请问这句话怎么翻译.The credit crunch will ensure that China becomes the world’s largest economy within a decade,up to 11 years earlier than previously expected,it is forecast today.特别是than previously expected的部分. So we are expected to strive for excellence,chanllenge limit and hew a stone of hope from a mountain of despair ,it is confidence that brings hope it is my first evening in london.but apart from the fact that everyone is speaking English andeverything is in English,it is not Englishin the way I would expected at all求翻译, 表期望的被动语态怎样改呀it is expected that the plane will land on time.改成被动.it is expected that the plane will land on thime .the plane is expeced to land on time.这两句都对,第一句我可以理解 但是第二句就好像 Is M-theory correct?It is known that unitying the based force of interaction is phisicians ' dream .super-string theory is expected by us .and is M-theory correct? By 1990,production in the area is expected to double ________ of 1980.A) that B) it C) one D) wha这几个词 有什么区别啊 that 和 it 有什么区别? It just happened _______ we had expected. A. that B. which C. it D. as 选择?