这个句子的主谓宾是什么呢?There is grave danger in asking scientists to be more socially responsible if they would also be given the right and authority to make such decisions on their own.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:56:47

这个句子的主谓宾是什么呢?There is grave danger in asking scientists to be more socially responsible if they would also be given the right and authority to make such decisions on their own.
There is grave danger in asking scientists to be more socially responsible if they would also be given the right and authority to make such decisions on their own.

这个句子的主谓宾是什么呢?There is grave danger in asking scientists to be more socially responsible if they would also be given the right and authority to make such decisions on their own.

英语句子一定要有主谓宾嘛?一个英语句子 一定要有主谓宾吗 比如 That is why I did it 这个句子主谓宾是什么? i have been to beijing这句话是否完整?完整的句子要有主谓,如果完整,主谓是什么?那I have failed是否完整呢?主谓是什么? 这个句子的主谓宾是什么呢?There is grave danger in asking scientists to be more socially responsible if they would also be given the right and authority to make such decisions on their own. 这个句子结构式主系表还是主谓宾?有带am的主谓宾结构吗?I am looking for Jack 求分析 根据这个句子用通俗的语言分析主谓宾成分 还有什么表语啊之类的There is no doubt that the work of searching for the lost cultural relics will still go on 请问这句的主谓宾分别是什么呢 顺便扩充说一 I look at him的成分分析.him是什么成分?整个句子是主谓还是主谓宾? I predict that there will be less free time这个句子中THAT充当什么成分?主谓宾定状补各是什么?同时句子中THAT为什么不可省略? there's never anything newsworthy about my life怎么看这个句子的主谓宾,这句子包含哪些成分 英语老师来分析句子成分吧.This bed is three times the size of that one.这个句子的主谓宾分别是什么呢?还有什么成分呢? 今天他会来 这个句子怎么划分成分还有一个句子 盒盖打不开 这个句子的主谓宾是什么 麻烦讲解一下这个英语句子I ‘ failed the math test.这句话的意思是我的数学测试不及格,既然是我的,为什么不用my而用I呢?还有这个句子结构是什么,老师说是主谓宾,“I”是主语,“failed”是谓语 求句子的主谓宾I am working.像这句句子的主谓宾是什么 或主系表是什么动词可以做表语 不要敷衍 -3- he would have more work there是什么结构的的句子,知道的朋友帮帮忙吧,星期一有急用啊比如是主谓宾,还是主系表,还是主谓? I was listening to ___wonderful music when there was __knock on the door这个是什么时态的句子呢 请 Are you a teacher 这个句子的语法成份主谓宾分别是什么? His job is to wash dishes 这个句子的主谓宾是什么 紧急求救Here,take a look at it不是说英语一个句子一定要有主谓宾吗?那请问这个句子的主谓宾是什么? 1.There are many people in this room里的in this room,我觉得是补语,可是我的辅导书上说是状语?1他到底是什么语2这个句子的主谓宾是什么,定状补又是什么