
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:30:28

I Went To Senior High School In 2002 And Graduated In 2004.
AfterThat,I Studied At University For 4 Years.
Every Year From 2005 To 2012,Our Classmates Would Get Together To Have A Party After chinese new year.
Yesterday I Met My Teacher And Classmates Again.
We Had dinner Together And Took Many photos and then we went to KTV sang song.

I went to senior high school In 2002 and graduated In 2004.
After that,I studied【in the】university for 4 years.
【删掉every year】 From 2005 to 2012,our classmates would get together to have a party after 【chinese new year改成Spring Festival,虽然不是大错误,但这样说比较地道,春节,特指,首字母大写.】 each year
Yesterday I met my teacher and classmates again.
We had dinner together and took many photos ,【and 删掉,then的作用可以替换and】then we went to KTV 【for singing songs 目的状语,否则无连词从句出现两个动词是语法错误.】.
亲,一句话开头一个单词的首字母大写,专有名词首字母大写就行了- -

这段话这样翻译有没有语法或者其他错误的地方啊,请英语好的帮忙修改下.我是02年上的高中,04年高中毕业,然后读了4年大学,从05年到2012年,每年新年过后我们高一同学都会聚会,昨天又见了10 这个英语作文有没有语法或其他错误. 请学霸帮忙检查一下有没有语法或者拼写上的错误. 有没有语法上的错误? 这样分组所使用的英文单词有没有语法或者用法上的错误?分别代表某某不认识的人,男的,女的,游戏,家人,好盆友如果有错误请帮忙指出并改正,合适追加分 建筑地暖工程水压试验时,先将水灌满管道后,再打气压这样允许吗?或者说这样做对吗?压力方面有没有什么其他的说道? 请问:goodnight to you 这个词语有没有语法上的错误,能不能这样用? 请检查这句话有没有语法或者其他错误~Before you told me,I even don't know that the sun rises form the east. I still love you but with a little 请问有语法或者其他错误吗? 请帮忙确认这样翻译有没有语法或者是时态的错误.Sorry for late reply you, thanks for your confirmation and understanding. Yes , we really hope that we can reduce the duplieation of effort , I need re-issue an MPE to manager review 英语翻译国家舞台艺术精品工程资助项目The national stage works of art projects funded drama翻译成这样,有没有语法问题,或者别的什么重大错误. 德语语法 was sprechen sie?was sprechen sie?在说什么?在聊什么这句德语有没有错误感觉没人这样表达或者是was spreche sie?都是错的吧这句话该怎么说呢 英语翻译百度翻译为“Professional services in the hole processing equipment” 有没有语法或者什么错误 这是要参加展会的标语 在外商眼里是否符合他们的理解 加急! 这个句子的语法对吗?treasure the time with your parents可以这样说吗?这句话有没有错误? Don't want to be at home ,don't want to go back to school .这句话有语法或者其他上的错误吗!请高手指教... 帮我看看有没有什么语法的错误可好 英语翻译还请回答一下,我想知道自己的这个翻译有没有语法、拼写上的错误. 请英文达人来解答下问题You will be happiness,but it's not I given求教,这句话该怎么翻译 并且,有无语法上的错误.或者其他错误.