英语翻译我们针对上课是否使用英语进行了一次辩论.我认为,我们应该上课使用英语.原因有 3 点.第一,英语是世界通用语言,在任何公共场所都可以看见英文.全世界已经有171 个国家使用英语.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:14:57

英语翻译我们针对上课是否使用英语进行了一次辩论.我认为,我们应该上课使用英语.原因有 3 点.第一,英语是世界通用语言,在任何公共场所都可以看见英文.全世界已经有171 个国家使用英语.
原因有 3 点.第一,英语是世界通用语言,在任何公共场所都可以看见英文.全世界已经有171 个国家使用英语.有英语新闻,英文版的歌曲,英文的电影等等…我们本身就生活在一个英语的环境.那我们上课使用英文又为什么不可以呢?

英语翻译我们针对上课是否使用英语进行了一次辩论.我认为,我们应该上课使用英语.原因有 3 点.第一,英语是世界通用语言,在任何公共场所都可以看见英文.全世界已经有171 个国家使用英语.
According to the topic about if it's necessary to speak english in class, we had a debate. In my opinion, it's very necessary.
There're 3 based on my views, check it as below:
1. English is the universal language now, and it has been widely used in the public places. And there're around 171 countries use english. There're english news, songs, movies etc. So based on this, why not speak as much english as possible in our class while we are in such an english environment?
2. Someone probably say their english is not good enough to grasp all what they teacher said in english, naturally they may not be able to get a good mark during the exams. well, I was wondering did you get a very good score, or did you grasp it well when all the knowledge was taught by your mother tongue? Like the old saying, Rome is not built in one day. If you are in such an environment at a very young age, then you will have no doublt to accept this education model, do you?
3. Most of people are interest in the western culture, and when you travel to a foreign country. Do you think you will have a very hard time, just for the reason that your english is not good to communicate with others? I think the answer is absolutely. The difference in language will cause alot of trouble and inconvience for us, and if we practice and speak alot in our classes, I bet there's no similar confussion any more.
Like the old saying goes, Every coin has two sides. I can not 100 percent for us attending class all in english, it will also have some disadvantage for us. According to your(the opposite side) opinion, it shows repect to both our mother tongue and our culture when we use our own langauge instead of Englsih, to be honest, I am totaly agree with you over this, coz it will be a bit weird when you learn a native article, you have to translate it into English first
Anyway, in nowadays, English is very important to us in a certain aspect. So, I think it would be a good practice for us to have class all in English.
p.s.: 可能没有完全根据原文进行翻译哈,说实话,对于这段话,我个人的观点是,如果说只有英语课全部用英文来教学的话,这会是一个不错的尝试,但是如果其他学科也都用英文的话,首先不说我们能否理解一些专业术语,估计其他科目的任课老师也未必可以全部用英文吧,除非你们是全外教授课.

英语翻译我们针对上课是否使用英语进行了一次辩论.我认为,我们应该上课使用英语.原因有 3 点.第一,英语是世界通用语言,在任何公共场所都可以看见英文.全世界已经有171 个国家使用英语. 英语翻译在使用了你们针对异常进行改善后的产品并且没有再次同样问题的一段时间过后,现在这样的问题又出现了.请你告诉我你们现在是否还有在按你们告诉我们的改善的动作在执行. 英语翻译针对您提出的问题,我们与我公司业务部进行了沟通. ‘该上课了,我们不能再等了’的英语翻译 英语翻译:该上课了,我们做好准备吧. 上课都使用英语吗 翻译成英语:我们班对用动物做实验是否正确进行了讨论 翻译成英语:我们班对用动物做实验是否正确进行了讨论 针对贵州石漠化,我们应该让所有居民进行生态搬迁.同学都说“所有”错了 我们得去上课了用英语怎么说 英语翻译“文章针对中国与俄罗斯、英国及香港、台湾地区的公司法进行了比较. 英语翻译针对这些问题,通过问卷调查,访谈等形式,我们收集了相关数据和结果,并于本文中进行了系统的陈述,并且提出了相应的对策,以改善现状. 英语翻译本文设计实现了利用计算机处理复杂排课问题的自动排课系统,避免了手工排课产生的上课时间冲突和教室冲突.以基于优先级的算法为主要思想,针对具体情况对算法进行改进,设计适 无忧英语上课主要使用什么网络工具? 我们今天常常针对什么问题使用“实事求是”这个词 我们家孩子上初中二年级了,有专门针对的英语班么? 我不用上课了英语翻译 上课一开始,我们唱了一首英语歌. at the beginning of the class, we sang an english song. 翻译对吗