求问in, into, in the ,的用法和区别RTRTRT

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求问in, into, in the ,的用法和区别RTRTRT
求问in, into, in the ,的用法和区别

求问in, into, in the ,的用法和区别RTRTRT
in the box 在盒子里面
into the box 进到盒子里面去
in the
跟上面两个词没有对比关系,它只是in + the,the 就是定冠词,放在名词之前.
比如上面提到的in the box.

prep. 采用(某种方式);穿着,带着;(表示位置)在…里面,(表示领域,范围)在…以内;(表示品质、能力等)在…之中
adv. 在家;进入,到达;流行;当选
adj. 在内的,朝内的;在位的,执政的;[口语]流行的,时髦的;(车等)到站的
n. 执政党,掌权者;知情者;<美口>入口,门路;<体>(板球或棒球)攻球的一方
(1) 在…里;在…...


prep. 采用(某种方式);穿着,带着;(表示位置)在…里面,(表示领域,范围)在…以内;(表示品质、能力等)在…之中
adv. 在家;进入,到达;流行;当选
adj. 在内的,朝内的;在位的,执政的;[口语]流行的,时髦的;(车等)到站的
n. 执政党,掌权者;知情者;<美口>入口,门路;<体>(板球或棒球)攻球的一方
(1) 在…里;在…之内
Someone or something that is in something else is enclosed by it or surrounded by it. If you put something in a container, you move it so that it is enclosed by the container.
He was in his car. 他坐在他的车里。
.clothes hanging in the wardrobe... 挂在衣柜里的衣服
Put the knives in the kitchen drawer... 把这些刀具放到厨房抽屉里。
Mix the sugar and the water in a cup. 把糖和水倒在杯子里搅拌一下。
(2)介词在(某处) If something happens in a place, it happens there
We spent a few days in a hotel... 我们在一家宾馆住了几天。
He had intended to take a holiday in America... 他本打算去美国度假。
Those rockets landed in the desert. 那些火箭降落在了沙漠里。
(3)副词在家;在办公室 If you are in, you are present at your home or place of work
My flatmate was in at the time... 我的舍友当时在房间里。
He has had to be in every day. 他每天都得坐班。
(4) 进;入 When someone comes in, they enter a room or building.
She looked up anxiously as he came in... 他进来的时候,她焦虑不安地抬起头来看了看。
They shook hands and went in. 他们握了手,走了进去。
(5) 副词(火车)进站;(轮船、飞机)抵港 If a train, boat, or plane has come in or is in, it has arrived at a station, port, or airport
We'd be watching every plane coming in from Melbourne...
Look. The train's in. We'll have to run for it now.
(6)副词(潮)在上涨 When the sea or tide comes in, the sea moves towards the shore rather than away from it.
She thought of the tide rushing in, covering the wet sand... 她想象潮汐涌来,淹没潮湿的沙滩。
If the tide was in they went swimming. 如果涨潮了,他们就去游泳。
(7)在(橱窗)里面 Something that is in a window, especially a shop window, is just behind the window so that you can see it from outside.
The light in the window went out... 橱窗里的灯熄灭了。
There was a camera for sale in the window. 橱窗里有一架相机待售。
(8)在(镜子)之中 When you see something in a mirror, the mirror shows an image of it.
I couldn't bear to see my reflection in the mirror... 我不忍看镜子里自己的样子。
He caught sight of his hair in a mirror. 他从镜子里看见了自己的头发。
(9)穿着;戴着 If you are dressed in a piece of clothing, you are wearing it
He was a big man, smartly dressed in a suit and tie. 他身材高大,穿着西服打着领带,非常帅气。
...three women in black. 3 个黑衣女子
(10) (包裹)在…之中;(覆盖)在…之下 Something that is covered or wrapped in something else has that thing over or round its surface.
His legs were covered in mud. 他的腿上满是泥浆。
...carrots wrapped in newspaper. 包在报纸里的胡萝卜
(11) 介词(裂缝或洞)在…表面上 If there is something such as a crack or hole in something, there is a crack or hole on its surface
There was a deep crack in the ceiling above him. 在他头顶的天花板上有一道很深的裂缝。
...an unsightly hole in the garden. 花园里一个很不雅观的洞
at, in, on
1. The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Mo Yan"who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".
2. The car was in A1 condition.
3. He abdicated in favour of his son.
4. He was abetted in the deception by his wife.
5. abnormal levels of sugar in the blood
6. She seemed totally absorbed in her book.
7. Ten people voted in favour, five against and two abstained.
8. The voting was 15 in favour, 3 against and 2 abstentions.
9. Fish are abundant in the lake.
10. The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.
11. an acceleration in the rate of economic growth
12. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing.
13. Arrive two days early in order to acclimatize.
14. She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger.
15. a career in accounting
16. They questioned the accuracy of the information in the file.
17. The letter was written in her usual acerbic style.
18. Senior government figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up.
19. There was general acquiescence in the UN sanctions.
20. The case resulted in an acquittal.
