
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 00:05:14


E-commerce in China is the main mode of the future commercial development,but small and medium-sized enterprises in China is an indispensable part of economic activities,the development of e-commerce in small and medium sized enterprises will greatly promote the economic development of our country.Electronic commerce can help the enterprise to reduce capital investment,expand the market,such as money and manpower to make up deficiencies,overcome the business existing weakness; at the same time the electronic commerce can improve the commodity exchange efficiency,reduce cost of sales,has great advantages,it will change the traditional business appearance,enables the small and medium-sized enterprises the develop rapidly,and promote the process of global economic integration.The small and medium enterprises in the development of electronic commerce still have many problems,such as lack of a relatively complete system of electronic business affairs,regional difference caused by uneven development,investment strength is insufficient and so on.Although there are many problems,along with the time development,we believe that e-commerce in small and medium sized enterprises system will be better.
This article focuses on the electronic commerce in our country small and medium-sized enterprise development present situation,finally proposed strategy for the small and medium-sized enterprise in response to the electronic commerce development .

E-commerce in China is the main mode of the future commercial development, and small and medium-sized enterprises in China is an indispensable part in economic activities, the development of e-commerc...


E-commerce in China is the main mode of the future commercial development, and small and medium-sized enterprises in China is an indispensable part in economic activities, the development of e-commerce in small and medium sized enterprises will greatly promote the economic development of our country. Electronic commerce can help the enterprise to reduce capital investment, expand the market, such as money and manpower to make up deficiencies, overcome business exists many weakness; at the same time the electronic commerce can improve the commodity exchange efficiency, reduce cost of sales, has great advantages, it will change the traditional business appearance, enables the small and medium-sized enterprises the rapid development of economy, promoting the process of global economic integration. The small and medium enterprises in the development of electronic commerce still exists many problems, such as lack of a relatively complete system of electronic business affairs, regional difference caused by uneven development, investment strength is insufficient and so on. Although there are many problems, but along with the time development, believe that e-commerce in small and medium sized enterprises system will be more perfect. This paper focuses on the electronic commerce in our country small and medium-sized enterprise development present situation, finally proposed the small and medium-sized enterprise in response to the electronic commerce development should adopt strategy.


英语翻译电子商务是我国未来商业发展的主要模式,而中小企业是我国经济活动中不可或缺的部分,因此大力发展中小企业的电子商务将会很大程度上带动我国经济的发展.电子商务可以帮助企 我国电子商务未来发展的主要模式 英语翻译摘要:旅游活动与电子商务的结合是旅游业未来的一个主要发展趋势,旅游电子商务不仅能产生新的利润增长点,而且可以增强企业的竟争力.旅游企业电子商务的发展水平直接影响着 英语翻译本文通过对我国电子商务发展模式的分析,讨论电子商务对我国传统贸易模式创新的影响及未来外国国际贸易的发展方向. 英语翻译随着因特网技术的发展和广泛采用,电子商务逐渐形成并运用,电子商务也使得商务交易的过程更加快捷、高效、低成本,是一种全新的商务模式.本文主要围绕着电子商务如何在我国建 我国发展电子商务的问题主要有哪些? 英语翻译摘 要电子商务(Electronic Commerce)是我国通过信息化改造和提升传统产业的有效途径.电子商务的发展离不开信用制度的保障,由于电子商务活动通过计算机及网络(主要是Intermet)进 请根据相关调查数据说明我国移动电子商务未来发展的趋势 英语翻译电子商务与中国地区经济发展差异的关系研究摘要:伴随着Internet的发展,电子商务在我国的发展已经初具规模,特别是自2006年来电子商务在我国发展迅速.电子商务带动了我国经济的 英语翻译电子商务作为全球经济和信息技术发展并相互作用的必然产物,可以说它并非是一个单纯的技术概念,也不是一个单纯的商业概念,而是两者的有机结合.如何把握电子商务给中小企业带 如何推动我国移动电子商务的发展 根据你对电子商务的理解,说明电子商务发展所需要的条件和我国在电子商务发展中主要存在的?C根据你对电子商务的理解,说明电子商务发展所需要的条件和我国在电子商务发展中主要存在的 翻译 :CA在我国电子商务中的应用及发展研究不要机器翻译的.电子商务认证中心、CA认证体系建立、我国CA认证系统发展现状、CA体系在我国未来的发展. 还有这几个词 英语翻译国内外旅游电子商务发展比较研究 摘要:旅游与电子商务在我国同是一个新兴的产业,而旅游电子商务也正处于发展期.随着我国旅游业与电子商务的同步发展,两大产业的有效嫁接与 未来中国农村未来的发展中国农村为何这么穷了,国外怎样,未来怎么发展!主要是未来怎么发展 英语翻译本文试图通过对我国电子商务税收的现状特点和目前电子商务税收的具体措施来分析我国电子商务发展面临的税收问题,借鉴各国政府在电子商务税收问题中应对的措施,从而提出应 英语翻译随着我国社会经济不断发展,人民生活质量不断提高,旅游业显示出蓬勃的生机,而网络的兴起和普及,使中国旅游业与电子商务结合成为一种必然的趋势.旅游电子商务是旅游业发展的 英语翻译主要是用于商业上的名词