求分析一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:01:23

求分析一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi
Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I
touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that
right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon
completing a wonderful piece of art that we were both very proud of,
Billy again asked me to hold him.By this time my heart was screaming
"yes!" But my mind was screaming louder."No!You are going to lose your

求分析一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi
Such a simple request. 
本句为 It was such a simple request 的省略.
But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him, I could lose my job. 
◎ 本句为多重复合句
    【主语从句】what ran through my mind
    【表语从句】that if I touched him, I could lose my job
    【主句】I could lose my job
    【条件状语从句】if I touched him
◎ 引导名词性从的关联词what 称作关系代词性连接词,等于“先行名词 + 关系代词”,相当于汉语的“所...的事物”.what ran through my mind  也可以改写为 the thing that ran through my mind.
So I told Billy I could not do that right now, but I suggested that he and I color a picture. 
第一分句:I told Billy I could not do that right now,
    【主句】I told Billy (Billy是间接宾语)
    【宾语从句】I could not do that right now (直接宾语),
第二分句:I suggested that he and I color a picture
    【主句】I suggested 
    【宾语从句】that he and I color a picture
◎动词suggest后面的宾语从句表示说话人的个人态度,要用虚拟语气,这类从句的谓语动词要用“should + 动词原形”或者“直接用动词原形”.凡是陈述个人意见的从句们都要用虚拟语气,类似的动词还有order,command,advise,insist,suppose 等.
Upon completing a wonderful piece of art that we were both very proud of, Billy again asked me to hold him. 
时间状语Upon completing a wonderful piece of art that we were both very proud of, 
    【介词 + 动名词】Upon completing a wonderful piece of art   
    【定语从句】that we were both very proud of,
主句:Billy again asked me to hold him.
◎介词upon/on 后面跟表示瞬间行为的动名词意思是“在某瞬间行为之后就立即”,另如:
On entering the room, …  刚.一进这个房间便…
Upon hearing the news, … 一听到这个消息就…
On arriving home, …  刚到家就…

求分析一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi 求分析一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi 求分心一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi 求翻译下面这段英文. 5分悬赏 分析一下英文句子的结构和用法就是下面划横线的这句Animals that kill other game for food are called predators.这里的other game完全不懂什么意思和用法,求讲解.上下面在下面图片里.第二个图片是那段话 谁来帮我分析一下find it hard 中的it呀?这是什么语法现象 一句英文的语法结构分析They may be aimed at specific audiences and offer the manufacturers of products of particular interest to such people the chance to make contact with their most likely customers.请问这句话中的to such people可 麻烦给翻译一下下面这段关于奥运会的英文 请高手帮忙翻译一下下面这段英文啥意思啊 请大家分析一下下面这句英文的语法和结构,With this evolution in technology has come a meaningful increase in theamount of money the average consumer spends on mobile phone services. 求英语大神帮我翻译一下,同时分析一下这段英语的结构和语法如果有可以讲的语法就讲下吧~~没就算了,主要帮我翻一下后面那句~~~ The reason is thatupward mobility requires sociologists describe as the twin 求英语大神,英语老师批改一下下面的文章,看看语法和总体结构,给点评价,(2)Punishment,the Better ChoicePrevention brought us a world fullof distrust.We can’t ensure real safety by such way,what we get,is a prisonbuilt o 能帮我分析一下这句话的英文语法吗?That is what partents are for. 帮我翻译一下这段英文 :those are the people I think who end upmaking such a big success in the word 请帮我分析下这句的语法i will make no such promise.没明白这句的语法 求英语大神翻译一下下面这段!谢谢啊!在线等! 英语翻译求翻译一下英文We were talking about how the catalog sales business first got started in the US .最好从语法的角度分析下句子. 英语翻译求翻译一下英文The employee paid for his bold remark by gettting extra work.最好从语法的角度分析下by后面的句子.