GMAT的语法题New theories propose that catastrophic impacts ofasteroids and comets may have caused reversals inthe Earth’s magnetic field,the onset of ice ages,splitting apart continents 80 million years ago,andgreat volcanic eruptions.􀂃

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:54:25

GMAT的语法题New theories propose that catastrophic impacts ofasteroids and comets may have caused reversals inthe Earth’s magnetic field,the onset of ice ages,splitting apart continents 80 million years ago,andgreat volcanic eruptions.􀂃
New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of
asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in
the Earth’s magnetic field,the onset of ice ages,
splitting apart continents 80 million years ago,and
great volcanic eruptions.
􀂃 (A) splitting apart continents
􀂃 (B) the splitting apart of continents
􀂃 (C) split apart continents
􀂃 (D) continents split apart
􀂃 (E) continents that were split apart
我选择了A,正确答案是B.因为我的想法是A可以就近修饰the onset of ice ages,充当状语,请问这个想法错在哪里?而且正确答案中的the+动名词感觉好奇怪啊,所以没有去选了..不知NN能否举几个the +动名词的例子~

GMAT的语法题New theories propose that catastrophic impacts ofasteroids and comets may have caused reversals inthe Earth’s magnetic field,the onset of ice ages,splitting apart continents 80 million years ago,andgreat volcanic eruptions.􀂃
“the”表示特指,原文要表达的意思是,“那个八千万年前把陆地分开的”.若选A,就是不明确,因为splitting apart continents到底是作的整个句子的状语呢,还是只做the onset of ice ages的状语.很明显是做the onset of ice ages的状语.A容易让人误解.

GMAT的语法题New theories propose that catastrophic impacts ofasteroids and comets may have caused reversals inthe Earth’s magnetic field,the onset of ice ages,splitting apart continents 80 million years ago,andgreat volcanic eruptions.􀂃 2011GMAT语法全解:GMAT语法题如何复习 GMAT语法题如何复习 请教一道GMAT语法题 请问GMAT的语法题和SAT语法题差别大么?用GMAT的语法书复习SAT行么目前手头没有SAT的书,只有GMAT的,所以问问各位考过SAT的高手们行不行. GMAT 语法 that想问一下再GMAT语法题中如何确定that修饰的词?是先看离that 最近的词吗? gmat语文部分的逻辑,语法,阅读都各有多少道题?是固定的吗? GMAT的一道题, 为什么GMAT语法题的A选项总和题目一样为什么有的时候选A,有的时候不选呢? GMAT Prep2008语法笔记 为什么是从170开始的前170题在哪儿? GMAT OG 语法SC132 求GMAT的prep语法逻辑阅读笔记~ 博森李安老师GMAT阅读、GMAT逻辑、GMAT语法笔记谁有?朋友说李安老师是国内GMAT培训领域的领军人物. GMAT OG13 SC语法第34题怎么做? GMAT语法全解怎么样 求GMAT语法备考经验 GMAT的语法是不是一个相对比较狭义的语法,死抠语法的教条是必死无疑? 考过GMAT或旧托福语法题的,请比较这种语法题比高中语法题难在哪?没考过的别进来,没考过没发言权.不是都说高中已经把语法学完了吗?上大学后不是干脆不学语法了吗?那么GMAT和旧托福的语