英语造句 用下列词组造句,并翻译词组 1.offer to do sth 2.decide to do sth 3.hope to do sth 4.agree to do sth 5.plan to do sth 6.want to do sth 所造的句子带中文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:53:02

英语造句 用下列词组造句,并翻译词组 1.offer to do sth 2.decide to do sth 3.hope to do sth 4.agree to do sth 5.plan to do sth 6.want to do sth 所造的句子带中文
用下列词组造句,并翻译词组 1.offer to do sth 2.decide to do sth 3.hope to do sth 4.agree to do sth 5.plan to do sth 6.want to do sth 所造的句子带中文

英语造句 用下列词组造句,并翻译词组 1.offer to do sth 2.decide to do sth 3.hope to do sth 4.agree to do sth 5.plan to do sth 6.want to do sth 所造的句子带中文
1.offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 He offered to help me with my homework yesterday .他昨天主动提出帮我做作业.2.decide to do sth.决定做某事 My parents decided to buy a computer for me last week .我的父母亲上周决定给我买一台电脑.3.hope to do sth.希望做某事 I hope to visit Hong Kong one day .我希望将来某一天去参观香港.4.agree to do sth .同意做某事 We agree to help the old people do some housework on weekends .我们同意周末帮老人做一些家务活.5.plan to do sth .计划/ 打算做某事 We plan to play basketball tomorrow .我们打算明天打篮球.6.want to do sth .想做某事 They want to buy a big house with a beautiful garden .他们想买一座带有美丽花园的大房子.

she offers to drive me home, 她主动愿意开车送我回家 2, I decide to join this team。 我决定加入这个组。 3. I hope to stay at home alone.我希望自己一个人呆家里。 4.I agree to go shopping with her.我决定和她一起去购物。 5. they plan to clean the w...


she offers to drive me home, 她主动愿意开车送我回家 2, I decide to join this team。 我决定加入这个组。 3. I hope to stay at home alone.我希望自己一个人呆家里。 4.I agree to go shopping with her.我决定和她一起去购物。 5. they plan to clean the whole house.他们打算打扫整个屋子。 6. We want to go there by air.我们乘坐飞机去那里
