M.S在这个句子里指的是什么in Frank Norris's letter to Dreiser,he wrote that Sister Carrie "it was the best novel I have read in M.S since I have been reading for the firm," 这个句子里的 M.S.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:18:25

M.S在这个句子里指的是什么in Frank Norris's letter to Dreiser,he wrote that Sister Carrie "it was the best novel I have read in M.S since I have been reading for the firm," 这个句子里的 M.S.
in Frank Norris's letter to Dreiser,he wrote that Sister Carrie "it was the best novel I have read in M.S since I have been reading for the firm,"
这个句子里的 M.S.

M.S在这个句子里指的是什么in Frank Norris's letter to Dreiser,he wrote that Sister Carrie "it was the best novel I have read in M.S since I have been reading for the firm," 这个句子里的 M.S.
MS 是美国 Mississippi (密西西比州)的缩写.


M.S在这个句子里指的是什么in Frank Norris's letter to Dreiser,he wrote that Sister Carrie it was the best novel I have read in M.S since I have been reading for the firm, 这个句子里的 M.S. la pâte fraîche 在法语里指的是意大利薄饼的意思吗? save one's 比如在这个句子里Why Investing in Gold Will Save Your Butt . it`s a chinese school.I`m in No 2 school,right?是新起点小学英语三年级下52课里的句子.I``m in No 2 s 1.在What's the matter with you 这个句子里,what做的是什么成分?在What's wrong with you?这个句子里的what呢?那么在下面这个句子里应该选哪个答案?I really don't know ____ with Jane.A.what was the matter B.what the mat as在这个句子里是什么成分He's usually bakc home for Friday sales meetings,or the executive pep rally Saturday morning at 7 a.m.,when Walton , as he does at new store openings,is liabale to jump up on a chair and lead everyone in the Wal-Ma 西班牙语的más allá 如在这个句子里:Se les ocurre alguna solución prácitca,más allá de mudarme? that's very cool.在这个句子里cool是“凉”的意思 what's the chance of there being an election in this year?在这个句子中,there的作用是什么,做什么成分呢? We will spend the weekend ( in ) our sister's home.Were you ( at ) the doctor's last tuesday.在这两个句子里的介词为什么不同呢,这分别是什么用法!唉,这个介词问题总是搞晕我,不知哪位大侠可否传授下学习经验 fly in在这个句子里是什么意思?I'm flying in on the 3rd of May.是五月三日起飞,还是五月三日到达? He's m ( ) Jim's tennis racket 根据首字母填空请问二楼的 moving 在这个句子中是什么意思呢 “学而时习之”中的“之”在这个句子里的具体意思是什么? 初中英语(关于句子结构分析)在But these days I get up early and stay in school all day中的and做什么成分?这个句子的结构是什么?所谓的句子结构就是句子的组成,比如说S+V+O这样写,这个句子and前面 vanity作可数名词时意思是什么?在One Republic的《Come Home》里有这么一句话:And right now there's a war between the vanities.我想这个应该不是虚荣.最好把这个句子也翻译一下. as在这个句子中做什么成分?Write down What Wilson says,using Direct Speech as in the example这个句子的句子结构是什么, 在这个句子里,“苍劲”的反义词是什么?爷爷的字写得苍劲有力.苍劲的反义词是什么? one example of a town that's received bicycles from Pedal Power这个句子里,that's的原形是什么?