请检查这篇英语作文的语法,I like looking out the window in my room.I miss you when we are not together,and I try to find you and look forward to your return.My mother.Since I was born,I have never seen my biological father.Mother would not

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:54:13

请检查这篇英语作文的语法,I like looking out the window in my room.I miss you when we are not together,and I try to find you and look forward to your return.My mother.Since I was born,I have never seen my biological father.Mother would not
I like looking out the window in my room.I miss you when we are not together,and I try to find you and look forward to your return.My mother.
Since I was born,I have never seen my biological father.Mother would not say anything about him,too.Whenever thought of my father’s departure,I was felt that I would never obtain his love and that my life was incomplete.But my mother has cleaned up all the doubts and worries which were stucked in my heart.She makes me feel warm and gives me all her love.I always think mother is a woman who deserves my respect.

请检查这篇英语作文的语法,I like looking out the window in my room.I miss you when we are not together,and I try to find you and look forward to your return.My mother.Since I was born,I have never seen my biological father.Mother would not
1.第三行的My mother就两个单词放在那里.
2.I was felt that I would never obtain his love...将was 去掉.I felt that...
3.that my life was incomplet,这句前面说我觉得我永远不会得到他的爱,后面改为,生命永远也不会完整,这样更通顺.改为:that my life would never be complete.
4.my mother has cleaned up all the doubts and worries which were...这句时态前面为现在完成时后面为一般过去时,时态一致更好,改为.which have been stucked in my hearts all the time



请检查这篇英语作文的语法,I like looking out the window in my room.I miss you when we are not together,and I try to find you and look forward to your return.My mother.Since I was born,I have never seen my biological father.Mother would not 英语作文,语法检查请帮我检查一下,这篇作文有没有语法错误, 请英语高手帮我看看这篇英语作文的语法(急!)Hi,I'm Wu.Mybirthday is in the November 10,so I'm a scorpio,12 years old.I'm from Leshan.I like the violin,but I can't playing it.I can playing the piano.I like ACG and pop music too.My id 检查这篇英语作文.(语法,单词拼写,标点符号等错误) 请帮忙修改这篇英语作文的错误语法.Today,my parents are not at home,I want to do something meaningful.First of all,I must finish my homework,because I can't let parents worried about my study.Second,I like mother,then wash clothes,I cle 有没有检查英语作文语法的软件?就是写英语作文后能够帮检查语法的,不要只能检查单词的 请帮我检查这篇英语作文,哪里需要修改的 求检查 这几句英语的语法以下几句话 如果有错请修改成正确的并且原意不变1.I know she forgive me (改成过去式)2.I like learning do art project 3.but she wanted me to learn to programming4.I just want to learn the t 自己写英语作文怎么才能检查语法上的错误?自己英语水平有限, 帮我检查下这篇英语作文有没有语法上的错误,谢了 关于I like .best的英语作文 I LIKE WINTER的英语小作文 求英语大神帮我检查下这篇作文的语法.If one day I have a chance to be a color,Iwould like to be green.Maybe someone would ask,why green?That primarilybecause the green represent hope.When the chilly winter is gone,and springcomes back i like music that i can dance to 谁有类似这样的英语作文 明天就要演讲啦.这是初三第六课的语法 但是我要一篇类似的作文 要长 请写出检查的英语 检查这篇英语作文有何语法拼写错误A time when you were mean- the life is unvorhersehbar like weather sometime it's lovely day sometime it's worsely day like when you are young you are innocent and pure untill yougrow up you become a mea 求帮忙看一下小弟的英语作文,有什么语法,用词错误的请指示修改下.3QDear sir,I’m a student at Ningbo University .On summer vacation ,I have a lots of time to do something what I like to do.I think I should have a part-time j 请大家帮我看看这篇英语文章有没有什么语法或拼写的错误,也提些意见.I like looking out the window in my room.I miss you when we are not together,and I trying to find you and looking forward to your return.My mother.Since I