stand ready to和get ready to 以及be ready to有什么区别?我想知道具体的细微的差别~~谢谢~~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:11:04

stand ready to和get ready to 以及be ready to有什么区别?我想知道具体的细微的差别~~谢谢~~
stand ready to和get ready to 以及be ready to有什么区别?

stand ready to和get ready to 以及be ready to有什么区别?我想知道具体的细微的差别~~谢谢~~
有以下例句来看,stand ready to用的场合有时比get ready to 以及be ready to更正式一些,比如第三、四个句子;而前两个句子如果换作get ready to 或是be ready to,就不如用stand ready to好些.总之,它们的意思是一样的,只是get ready to 或是be ready to更常用一些.你认为如何?
Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.站在一旁的柳树准备在夏天帮助我们.
The emergency services stand ready to help if called on.紧急救难处一获通知随时可以驰援.
We stand ready at all times to pay any enemy back in his own coin.
We stand ready to work with the US side to narrow differences,expand common ground,increase exchanges and promote cooperation on the basis of the three China-US Joint Communiqués in order to further push forward the constructive and cooperative ties between China and the US.我们愿意同美方共同努力,在中美三个联合公报的基础上,缩小分歧,扩大共识,增加交流,促进合作,推动中美建设性合作关系继续向前发展.
Please get ready to get off the bus.请您做好下车准备.
This helps you get ready to acquire new information.这会帮助你获得新的信息.
We are ready to order now.我们已经准备好了.
The enemy troops are ready to invade.敌军准备进犯.
She is ready to resign.她就要辞职了.
The boat is ready to leave.All aboard!船就要开了,请大家上船.