填空题:The lake is a good place ____(go)if you like boating.横线上填to go还是to go to?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 08:59:14

填空题:The lake is a good place ____(go)if you like boating.横线上填to go还是to go to?
填空题:The lake is a good place ____(go)if you like boating.横线上填to go还是to go to?

填空题:The lake is a good place ____(go)if you like boating.横线上填to go还是to go to?
to go

to go to

to go

to go
因为。你知道是后制定语用to do已经不错了。。在加深一点。。当后置定语后面的那个动词是不及物。那么要加上介词。。但是。。如果修饰的名词为place time way介词可省略

如果是及物动词,你就用to go。
如果是不及物动词,你就用to go to.


填空题:The lake is a good place ____(go)if you like boating.横线上填to go还是to go to? There is a boat ( )the lake.介词填空.说明原因 There is a boat ( )the lake.介词填空.说明原因 we t____ a walk along the river and go boating on the lake.首字母填空 首字母填空,There is a boat in the c( ) of the lake(急, the west lake is one of the most famous a ---- in hangzhou首字母填空 i hear that the lake is a good place____(go sightsee).理由 ( ) beautiful the lake is!用What What an What a How填空 How often do you go swimming in the lake --( ).The water in the lake is too dirty.A.sometimes B.Often C Usually .D Never. 英语翻译You walk around the lake .After about five km you find a river.The water is going out of the lake and down a valley.You go on around the lake.You walk down the river. 英语在线提问Look!There is a small i( ) in the middle of the lake.首字母填空 选择填空1.Whose book is this?Is it( )A.Tom B.Tom`s C.her D.you 2.Ther are ( ) in the lake.A.swim B.swiming C.swimming D.swims3.The blackboard is ( ) the teacher .A.behind B.on C.in D.under4.Where( ) you from?A.is B.am C.are D.be 5.Children go to When the weather is hot,you go to a lake or an ocean.When the weather is hot,you go to a lake or an ocean.When you are near a lake or an ocean,you feel cool.Why?The sun makes the earth hot,but it cannot make the water very hot.Although the air over t 英语首字母填空My school,Sunshine Middle School,looks l 1 a garden.It’s in the west of Hangzhou.There is a l 2 at the gate where many fish swim happily.Over the lake,there is a bridge.We often come here and w 3 the fish.Go across the bridge a There is a West Lake 还是There is the West Lake 哪一个正确呢? There is a lake _____ the middle of the park. There is a boat in the m_______of the lake 用所给词正确形式填空1 The farmer uses a tractor.The tractor ___ faster and better.(work)2 He thinks the country is ___ beautiful than the city (much)3 In winter the children often go ___ near the lake.(skate)4 Which goes the most ___,the bu