英语翻译如果我看到前面有只老虎的话,我会掉头就跑由于那场大雨有40多人丧了命如果我不买他们,别人也会买他们的我会了解很多有关世界名胜的知识(interest of places)如果人们发现小熊猫

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:26:25

英语翻译如果我看到前面有只老虎的话,我会掉头就跑由于那场大雨有40多人丧了命如果我不买他们,别人也会买他们的我会了解很多有关世界名胜的知识(interest of places)如果人们发现小熊猫
我会了解很多有关世界名胜的知识(interest of places)

英语翻译如果我看到前面有只老虎的话,我会掉头就跑由于那场大雨有40多人丧了命如果我不买他们,别人也会买他们的我会了解很多有关世界名胜的知识(interest of places)如果人们发现小熊猫
If I see the word, I'll have a tiger turned and ran away
Due to the heavy rain have 40 people lost their lives
If I don't buy them, and they will buy them
I will learn a lot about beautiful places in the world knowledge
If people find panda alone in there, they will walk away with them

I will run away at once if I see a horse in front of me.
Over fourty persons died of the heavy rain.
If I don't buy them, other will buy them, too.
I will know much about places of interes...


I will run away at once if I see a horse in front of me.
Over fourty persons died of the heavy rain.
If I don't buy them, other will buy them, too.
I will know much about places of interest (你括号里的错了)
If they find a panda alone there, they will take them away.
ps: 很负责任的告诉你:上面的朋友没翻译好。有一些错误


If I see a tiger in front of me, I will turn tail. (turn tail:掉头逃命的意思)
More than 40 people died from that heavy rain.
或者More than 40 people lost their lived in that heavy rain.
Even I don'...


If I see a tiger in front of me, I will turn tail. (turn tail:掉头逃命的意思)
More than 40 people died from that heavy rain.
或者More than 40 people lost their lived in that heavy rain.
Even I don't buy them, they will be bought by someone else.
I will learn a lot knowledge of interest of places
If lesser pandas are found alone there, people will take them away


If I see the word, I'll have a tiger turned and ran away
Due to the heavy rain have 40 people lost their lives
If I don't buy them, and they will buy them
I will learn a lot about beautiful places in the world knowledge (interest of places)
If people find panda alone in there, they will walk away with them

I will turn back and run away if i saw a tiger in front of me.
40 lives were gone due to that heavy rain.
if i don't buy, they will be bought by someone else.
i will learn more about world interest places.
if one find a baby panda alone there, one would take them away.

英语翻译如果我看到前面有只老虎的话,我会掉头就跑由于那场大雨有40多人丧了命如果我不买他们,别人也会买他们的我会了解很多有关世界名胜的知识(interest of places)如果人们发现小熊猫 我看到一只老虎用英语怎么说 如果我是一只老虎,我会从动物园逃跑的英文翻译 英语翻译1他那样对我,好像我是陌生人似的.as if()2不要触摸那只正在熟睡中的老虎,如果它醒了会起来对付你的.(Come to ward )3没有电,人类的生活就完全不同了.4如果可能的话,你会不会打电话给 英语翻译如果有的话,我还会再加一些悬赏分, 英语翻译如果答案好的话我会追加分数的 英语翻译如果可能的话,我会尽量去博览群书. 关于home这个词home作为副词时前面是不能加介词的.可我总分不请home在句子中的结构,只知道如果home前面有物主代词的话,这个home就是名词.谁能帮我讲讲啊? 英语翻译如果你有中文版的话 发给我好吗~ 在森林里养了好几种动物,马、牛、羊、老虎和孔雀.如果有天你必须离开森林,而且只能带一种动物离开,你这是个心理测试哦 我想我会选择羊吧!哈哈哈 英语翻译如果我现在有钱的话,我会尽力帮助这个孩子 有3只母老虎和小老虎要过河河里只有一只小船,3只母老虎会划船,小老虎中只有1个会划船.如果一只老虎妈妈不在的话,其他的任何一只母老虎会将那只没有妈妈的小老虎吃掉.请问,如何才能使6 ”我只想要一句你安慰我的话、真的有那么难吗?”英语翻译 英语翻译好的话我会采纳的 那只老虎来只非洲吗? 怎样用英语翻译我不会耶?哪位哥哥姐姐肯帮我啊 如果是我的话.用英语翻译怎么说? 我看见一只老虎在吃东西英语?我看见一只老虎在吃东西,英语? 老虎能不能和狮子比我觉得是狮子厉害,中国有石狮子超大,就是没有老虎,看到俩只石狮子在家门口,简直是阔气,气派,所以我支持狮子,老虎只不过是猫的徒弟摆了,嘎嘎