这句英文该用哪一个表达方式呢,为什么the campus is much better than I had expectedthe campus is much better than my expect

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:13:52

这句英文该用哪一个表达方式呢,为什么the campus is much better than I had expectedthe campus is much better than my expect
the campus is much better than I had expected
the campus is much better than my expect

这句英文该用哪一个表达方式呢,为什么the campus is much better than I had expectedthe campus is much better than my expect

the campus is much better than the expection of mine


两句都有错误。可改为:IThe campus is much better than my expectation.

这句英文该用哪一个表达方式呢,为什么the campus is much better than I had expectedthe campus is much better than my expect 英语中有在几月几号几点钟用哪一个介词?是on还是 at?比如:I was born ______5:30 June 11th,1987.该用哪一个呢? 英语急in on at 用在生日前面因该选择哪一个?为什么?yao ming is birthday is ______ september 12th,1980? 英语翻译为什么要用“divorcing而不用divorced如果“ ‘S ”是“HAS该用哪一个呢? 该选哪一个?为什么? 你为什么要这样说呢?用英文怎么说这句怎么翻译成英文啊! “减肥手卡/手卡”用英文该怎么说大概就是表达出100天减肥手卡(或者手册).用英文该怎么表达呢?handbook又有点太俗气,不好听.有没有别的表达方式啊? 英文中带th的人名是都发t的音吗?比如Thomas Thomson 为什么th发的音和thank中的th发音不同呢 用英文写序数词9th( )100th( )101th( ) Am I __a genius?true truly real really.该填哪一个呢,为什么呢? 求英文各星期几后的词,th那些的 为什么要这么写呢 请问<尊贵>的英文怎么翻译.急!是不是noble如果用<尊贵>作店名的话,该用哪一个答案是最恰当呢? “我再也不离开你了 不管多累多想睡觉” 这句英文该怎么说呢? 英语单选关于情态动词的用法.图中第25题该选哪一个?为什么呢? ”请稍后”用英文有几种表达方式? The book will be released October 16th and will retail for $55.为什么released 要用过去式呢,不合整句的意思啊? 为什么不去散步呢用英语的两种表达方式 《蔚蓝的王国》有人说“我们轻快的小船在微波中飘荡”一句中的“飘荡”应该是“漂荡”,该用哪一个,为什么?