
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 15:30:10

People use their mouths for many things.They eat,talk,shout and sing.They smile and they kiss.In the English language,there are many expressions using the word mouth.But some of them are not so nice.
For example,if you say bad things about a person,the person might protest and say "1.(Do not bad mouth me.)"
Sometimes,people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because hurts that person's feelings.Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell.
The speaker might say:"2.(I really put my foot in my mouth this time.") If this should happen,the speaker might feel 3.(down in the mouth.) In other words,he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.
Another situation is when someone falsely claims another person said something.The other person might protest:"I did not say that.4.(Do not put words in my mouth.)"
Information is often spread through 5.(word of mouth).This is general communication between people,like friends talking to each other."How did you hear about that new movie?" someone might ask."Oh,by word of mouth." A more official way of getting information is through a company or government 6.(mouthpiece).This is an official spokesperson.Government-run media could also be called a mouthpiece.
Sometimes when one person is speaking,he says the same thing that his friend was going to say.When this happens,the friend might say:"7.(You took the words right out of my mouth!)" Sometimes a person has a bad or unpleasant experience with another person.He might say that experience "8.(left a bad taste in my mouth)." Or the person might have had a very frightening experience,like being chased by an angry dog.He might say:"I had my heart in my mouth."
Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family.There is an expression for this,too.You might say such a person,"9.(was born with a silver spoon in his mouth)."
This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives 10.(from hand to mouth).This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life,like food.
Parents might sometimes withhold sweet food from a child as a form of punishment for saying bad things.For example,if a child says things she should not say to her parents,she might be described as 11.(a mouthy child).The parents might even tell the child 12.(to stop mouthing off).
But enough of all this talk.I have been 13.(running my mouth) long enough.

1.Do not bad mouth me.你不要说我坏话
2.I really put my foot in my mouth this time.这次我真的说错话了
3.down in the mouth.沮丧
4.Do not put words in my mouth.别说些我根本不可能说的话
5.word of mouth口口相传[就是说用话语的方式流传下来的]
7.You took the words right out of my mouth!你说出了我想要说的!
8.left a bad taste in my mouth一段让我一想起来就不舒服的经历
9.born with a silver spoon in his mouth出生在有钱人家
10.from hand to mouth糊口度日[指生活很紧张啦"手里一拿到收入就得往嘴里放"懂不?]
11.a mouthy child一个说大话的孩子
12.stop mouthing off停止说大话[不要信口开河]
13.running my mouth 停止发牢骚

例如,如果您认为不好的东西了解一个人,此人可能会抗议,并说: “ 1 。 (不要坏嘴我。 ) ”
发言者可能会说: “ ...


例如,如果您认为不好的东西了解一个人,此人可能会抗议,并说: “ 1 。 (不要坏嘴我。 ) ”
发言者可能会说: “ 2 。 (我真的把我的脚在我的嘴这个时候。 ” )如果这应该发生,他可能会感到3 。 (下口) 。换句话说,他可能会感到难过的说错误的事情。
另一种情况是当某人谎称另一人说了几句。其他人可能会抗议: “我并没有说。 4 。 (不要把我的话在嘴里。 ) ”
信息传播往往是通过5 。 (口耳相传) 。这是一般人之间的沟通,就像朋友一样互相交谈。 “你怎么知道,新的电影吗? ”有人可能会问。 “噢,通过口耳相传。 ”一个更加正式的方式获取信息是通过一个公司或政府6 。 (喉舌) 。这是一个官方发言人。政府经营的媒体也可以被称为喉舌。
有时当一个人讲,他说,同样的事情,他的朋友会说。在这种情况下,这位朋友可能会说: “ 7 。 (您采取了正确的话从我嘴里! ) ”有时候,一个人有一个坏的或不愉快的经验,另一人。他可能会说,经历“ 8 。 (留下了一个坏味道在我的嘴) 。 ”或该人可能有一个非常可怕的经验,像追逐的愤怒的狗。他可能会说: “我有我的心在我的嘴。 ”
有些人很多钱,因为他们出生在一个非常富有的家庭。有一个表达这个了。你可能会说,这样一个人, “ 9 。 (出生的银勺他的嘴) 。 ”
这丰富的人是相反的一个人的生命谁10 。 (从手到嘴) 。此人是非常贫穷的,只有拥有足够的资金用于最重要的事情在生活中,像食物。
家长有时会不甜的食物的儿童是一种形式的惩罚说坏事。例如,如果一个孩子的事情,她不应该告诉她的父母,她可能被描述为11 。 (一mouthy儿童) 。父母甚至会告诉孩子12 。 (停止唱衰关闭) 。
但是,够了这一切的交谈。我已经13 。 (运行我的嘴)足够长的时间。


英语翻译麻烦大家帮我看看这篇文章,虽然长了点,但是内容很简单,初中的人也可以理解的,就是里面一些标数字了的有关mouth的词组我无法用中文准确的说出意思,可这个又是回家作业,所以麻 英语翻译麻烦大家帮我个忙啊 麻烦大家帮我看看这个名字好不好:Jackie 麻烦大家帮我看看这个是什么生物. 麻烦大家帮我看看这几个是什么字, 英语神人们大家帮我看看这篇文章的中心思想是什麼好吗? 能不能帮我看看这篇文章的问题. 帮我看看这篇文章有什么缺点 大家帮我看看这是啥么狗,能长多大? 英语翻译大家帮我看看这个怎么翻? 大家帮我看看这几道题肿么做啊... 大家帮我看看我写的这篇文章.文笔好的帮我改改,我是想要感动一个女孩子,我只是想争取她心中那片不属于我的领地:我真的很爱她```我们的爱情就像风筝,线虽然在我手里,但是我真的不知 请帮我看看,这算什么类的文章虽然麻烦了一点,但希望能够回答我, 英语翻译那个,这篇文章很长,很长,麻烦诸位大大帮我翻译一下,不是很急用,所以大人们有空的时候帮我翻译一下就行了,为了表示感谢,我一定会追加悬赏分的, 大家好、麻烦帮我看看第8题怎么填空呢? 大家帮我看看这个字念什么 戾 麻烦把拼音打出来 麻烦大家帮我修改一下这篇英语作文,看看哪些地方有错误 麻烦大家帮我看看这个函数怎么设置?确定后怎么是乱码.