要求一篇英文presentation我现在要写一篇英文 presentation 名字是 compare the roles of a nurse and a doctor presentation 的时间是2分钟到2分半 要精辟点的 周一最迟 我的presentation的时间是周二4月28日我的是4

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:37:55

要求一篇英文presentation我现在要写一篇英文 presentation 名字是 compare the roles of a nurse and a doctor presentation 的时间是2分钟到2分半 要精辟点的 周一最迟 我的presentation的时间是周二4月28日我的是4
我现在要写一篇英文 presentation 名字是 compare the roles of a nurse and a doctor presentation 的时间是2分钟到2分半 要精辟点的 周一最迟 我的presentation的时间是周二4月28日
我的是4月30日 记错了

要求一篇英文presentation我现在要写一篇英文 presentation 名字是 compare the roles of a nurse and a doctor presentation 的时间是2分钟到2分半 要精辟点的 周一最迟 我的presentation的时间是周二4月28日我的是4
Those who work outside of the medical industry often confuse the roles of doctor and nurse,not aware that the two have very different functions.Although the two work side-by-side in many situations and need each other to complete certain tasks,there are major differences between a doctor and nurse.Both roles,however,are essential for the medical industry and of equal importance.Putting stereotypes aside,the differences between a doctor and nurse are evaluated below.
Doctors and nurses first differ in their job descriptions.In most cases,the doctor is tasked with examining and diagnosing patients.A nurse,on the other hand,will have a more hands-on role with physically treating a patient based on the doctor's diagnosis.Nurses often joke that they are just as knowledgeable,yet are paid less and charged with performing the "dirty work".However,both jobs can be physically and emotionally demanding.It should be pointed out that the role of a nurse is not always as a subordinate to doctors.Advanced nurses,such as nurse practitioners,will also diagnose patients and can even prescribe medication.
Another major difference between a doctor and nurse is their salary.While not always true,the average doctor earns a higher yearly income than the average nurse.According to a 2006 study by Allied Physicians Incorporated,a hospital staff nurse earns an average of $45,000 a year.A hospital staff doctor,however,earns well into the six figures in the first year of practice.While an advanced practice nurse in a supervisory position could take in at least $75,000,an experienced surgeon could earn over $1 million.
Nurses and doctors also differ in length of college study.While some nurses obtain specialized degrees in a graduate program,the minimum degree requirement for a registered nurse (RN) is a four-year bachelor's degree.A doctor,however,must obtain a PhD,which takes eight years on average.A specialist physician,however,could remain in college for over a decade.Both a doctor and nurse will typically earn a higher wage for obtaining advanced degrees.It seems that both are compensated for lengthy college stays.
While it is obvious that the career of a doctor and nurse are different,it is important to note that the two complement each other in the process of healing patients.Neither could exist without the other and neither role is more important.Those debating which field to enter,however,should consider their own bedside manner as well as the differences of salary and degree requirements.
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要求一篇英文presentation我现在要写一篇英文 presentation 名字是 compare the roles of a nurse and a doctor presentation 的时间是2分钟到2分半 要精辟点的 周一最迟 我的presentation的时间是周二4月28日我的是4 谁能够给我一篇介绍美国某歌星的英文文章?做presentation要用的,急用hx哪 一篇英文PRESENTATION 关于全球变暖要求三分钟 求各位达人集思广益 论点观点论据论证 中英文都可以 英文presentation是什么意思? 求英文presentation .. 求一篇英语presentation3,4分钟就可以了.presentation要求有专四水平的! 急需一篇英文presentation,内容无限5分钟左右,有的话麻烦发到zjmacjk@163.com, 求一篇关于澳大利亚简介or旅游指南的presentation英文发言稿大一水平~不需要太长 求一篇关于澳大利亚简介or旅游指南的presentation英文发言稿大一水平~不用太长~ 求关于东方神起的英文作文一篇.presentation啊. 急求英语presentation的PPT我急需一个英文的PPT,内容不限, 马尔代夫 天堂岛 英文介绍 我要的是介绍,因为要做presentation! 你好,求英文presentation PPT样板,我邮箱perfect_figure@163.com,麻烦您了. 求助英文ppt关于“克隆的历史”求助一篇题目是“the history of cloning的 presentation! how important is tolerance in a multi-cultural society?求一篇英文 presentation 关于multi-cultural 大约在600字左右 presentation 英语presentation英语课的要求讲一篇presetation,要求四个人扮演不同的角色讲关于一件事,每个人大概2分钟,求帮忙 求一篇 英文作文:我理想中的语文老师.要求字数在120字左右