三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for s三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for some suggestions to improve y

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:36:48

三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for s三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for some suggestions to improve y
三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for s
三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for some suggestions to improve your English with no less than 100 words.

三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for s三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for some suggestions to improve y
How to learn English?I'm sure it has been a hot potato to many Chinese students.I here would like to share my onw experiences.1) do not believe that you can peak a fluent English in a short time.Language learing is a long term prcocess,keep studing every day at anywhere,2)Speaking in English way.Watching English programmes/reading English books will be useful to solve this.3)Do not memorize the single words.They are actually useless in learing.Instead they make learing dully.You should clearly know that the ability to communicate with froreiners is the actual aim.So memorize new words in sentences.3)Try to imagine that you are now in an English speaking country,How to communicate with others if you are in restraunt,shops,airport...Hope you will benefit from those.



三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for s三、问答题 (共3题、总分60分)1.You are required to write a letter to your classmates to ask for some suggestions to improve y 《20世纪的战争与和平》试卷选者题30题60分,材料题10分左右,问答题3题每题10分左右,总分100分.希望有人能凑出份试卷. 求一份历史试题要求:1.范围高中必修一 必修二 2.每题2分,共60分 3材料问答题三道共40分(具体分数自定) 4.选择题均衡于两书,大题突出重点 5. 八年级上期期末数学测试卷(2)班级________学号_______ 姓名________ 总分___________一、选择题:(每题3分,共30分)1.下列各式中,正确的是 ( ) A. B. C. D. 2.计算(x-3y ) ( x +3y)的结果是 ( ) A. B 三、问答题(1-2题,3-4题,共30分)1.什么是计算机病毒?它有哪些特点?2.简述解释和编译的区别.3.写出CPU、WAN、OSI、WWW、TCP/IP的中文含义及英文全称.4.简述计算机系统的组成(最好借助图) (共10题、总分20分) 1.按照税法内容的不同,税法可以分为( ).(本题分数:2 分.) (共40题、总分40分)1.( ) some mammals came to live in the sea is not known (本题分 二、多项选择题 (共10题、总分20分)1. 下列哪些项目适于设置数量金额式明细分类账() (本题分数:2 分二、多项选择题 (共10题、总分20分)1. 下列哪些项目适于设置数量金额式明细分 帮忙写英语作文(写全的话继续追分)第一题:三、作文题 (共1题、总分30分)1.This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a notice according to the information given in Chinese bel 对口单招高一上学期 《数学》课程第 1 次考试试卷题号一二三四五六总分得分一、选择题(每小题4分,共48分)1234567891011121、1 2 3 4,上述四个关系中,错误的个数是A、1个 B、2个 C、3个 D、4个2 电工基础知识试题 问答题:(每题5分,共60分) l、 什么叫简单线路?答:2、 怎样用万用表测量电流和电压? (共5题、总分20分)1.A man walked into a restaurant that advertised having the long(共5题、总分20分)1.A man walked into a restaurant that advertised having the longest menu in the world.The manager was very proud of being able to pr 预赛考试内容是必答题,为判断题(每题1分)和填空题(每题3分)共50题,总分是100分.判断题和填空题各多题 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 单选题 一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分.)V 1.今科学 求各位大神帮写一篇英文作文啊!三、写作题 (共1题、总分20分)1. Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文.Which Means of Transportation do You Pref 求各位大神帮写一篇英文作文三、写作题 (共1题、总分20分)1. Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文.Which Means of Transportation do You Prefer? 求 七年级下学期期末综合检测(一) 就是滨江中学七年级下学期的暑假数学作业(考卷10张)七年级下学期期末综合检测(一) 题序 一 二 三 总分 得分一、选择题(每小题3分,共30 求助09年秋《大学英语》(三)作业1..09年秋《大学英语》(三)作业1试卷总分:100 测试时间:--单选题 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分.)V 1.Such crimes may be so complex that months or years go by b