英语翻译A new painting was hanging in the Hemlock Mills Art Gallery.Throughout the day,visitors stood before the new exhibit and thought hard as to what it was trying to show.  “I think it’s a terrifying monster,” said Misty.“There’

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:33:01

英语翻译A new painting was hanging in the Hemlock Mills Art Gallery.Throughout the day,visitors stood before the new exhibit and thought hard as to what it was trying to show.  “I think it’s a terrifying monster,” said Misty.“There’
A new painting was hanging in the Hemlock Mills Art Gallery.Throughout the day,visitors stood before the new exhibit and thought hard as to what it was trying to show.
  “I think it’s a terrifying monster,” said Misty.“There’s no name on it,but I’m sure it was drawn by a famous artist.“I would say that it’s a picture of a park as seen from an airplane,” James said thoughtfully .“ I see many trees and roads.”

英语翻译A new painting was hanging in the Hemlock Mills Art Gallery.Throughout the day,visitors stood before the new exhibit and thought hard as to what it was trying to show.  “I think it’s a terrifying monster,” said Misty.“There’


sitors stood before the new exhibit and thought hard as to what it was trying to show.
“I  think it’s a terrifying monster,” said Misty. “There’s no name on it, b...


sitors stood before the new exhibit and thought hard as to what it was trying to show.
“I  think it’s a terrifying monster,” said Misty. “There’s no name on it, but I’m sure it was drawn by a famous artist. “I would say that it’s a picture of a park as seen from an airplane,” James said thoughtfully . “ I see many trees and roads


一副新的画作挂在了Hemlock Mills艺术展览馆的墙壁上。这天,很多游客站在这幅新的作品前认真思考它所展示的是什么。
“我想它画的是一个可怕的怪物。”Misty说,“它上边没有名字,但我想它是一个著名的艺术家所画。”“ 我倒觉得这是幅从飞机上看公园的画,"James若有所思地说。“我看到了很多树和路”...


一副新的画作挂在了Hemlock Mills艺术展览馆的墙壁上。这天,很多游客站在这幅新的作品前认真思考它所展示的是什么。
“我想它画的是一个可怕的怪物。”Misty说,“它上边没有名字,但我想它是一个著名的艺术家所画。”“ 我倒觉得这是幅从飞机上看公园的画,"James若有所思地说。“我看到了很多树和路”


英语翻译a short history of western painting课文翻译 The famous painting is w( ) a lot of money.括号里填什么,W开头的. 英语翻译翻译:1,In china they say to understand painting you need to understand calligraphy——the art of writing Chinese characters with a brush.2,In china they say to understand painting you need to understand calligraphy——the art of w 英语20.-Have you moved into the new house?20.-Have you moved into the new house?-Not yet.The rooms ________.a.are being painted b.are painting c.are painted d.are being painting 为什么 英语翻译 a new study shows 英语翻译A new painting was hanging in the Hemlock Mills Art Gallery.Throughout the day,visitors stood before the new exhibit and thought hard as to what it was trying to show.  “I think it’s a terrifying monster,” said Misty.“There’ painting 英语翻译They cannot imagine how anyone can really like modern music; they find it hard to accept the new fashions in clothing; they think that all modern painting is ugly; and they seldom have a good word for the new buildings that are being buil w e have a new classroom.的中文是什么 英语翻译The Impressionists are unrivalled in their popular appeal,and their paintings are among the best loved in the world.Drawn together by a common desire to bring a new kind of realism to painting,they astonished their contemporaries with the 英语翻译She ___ ___ ___ in painting. 英语翻译supply labor and install a new full height glass panel with wooden frame and sheer.800W X 2400H 英语翻译Durex Pleasure Curve condoms provide a new fit along with a new angle on pleasure.This advanced,curved condom design provides increased pleasure and excitement for both partners along with great comfort and heightened stimulation.How it w 英语翻译Einstein shaked and twisted the odd thing----the compass,Certain he could fool it into painting off in a new direction.But try as he might,the compass neddle would always find its way back to paining in the direction of north.The invisibl 英语翻译1.The opening-up policies are_by the public.2.The design was_on T-shirts.3.China and India_40% of the world's population.4.Tobacco companies are trying to_a more favorable image.5.This painting is a copy;_is in New York.(present represent This painting was sold to a museum in New York in 1997.句中用了过去式被动语态?请讲讲什么是过去式被动语态 英语翻译上下文:W:Luckily,they offered me a new position in the accounting department.M:A step up in the big business world.W:I wouldn't exaggerate,but I'm pleased. 英语翻译a new dress you.please