答案是B,我选D,请各位帮帮忙帮忙解释一下,这几个词有什么区别及用法3.Your composition is very good,_____ a few spelling mistakes. A. besides B. except for C. except D. except that答案是B,我选D,请各位

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 15:22:36

答案是B,我选D,请各位帮帮忙帮忙解释一下,这几个词有什么区别及用法3.Your composition is very good,_____ a few spelling mistakes. A. besides B. except for C. except D. except that答案是B,我选D,请各位
3.Your composition is very good,_____ a few spelling mistakes. A. besides B. except for C. except D. except that答案是B,我选D,请各位帮帮忙,帮我区别一下这几个词有什么区别,谢谢大家了
还有expect that和expect for的区别

答案是B,我选D,请各位帮帮忙帮忙解释一下,这几个词有什么区别及用法3.Your composition is very good,_____ a few spelling mistakes. A. besides B. except for C. except D. except that答案是B,我选D,请各位
except for 后面接的是名词;
except that后面接的一个句子,一般都是主谓宾结构;
如此便很好判断了,a few spelling mistakes是一个名词,D便可以排除了

Except for smoking and drinking, he is a thrifty man.
除了抽烟、喝酒, 他是个生活节俭的人。
His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.
他的作文写得很好, 只有几处语法错误。
except for 意思是除了局部有小的缺...


Except for smoking and drinking, he is a thrifty man.
除了抽烟、喝酒, 他是个生活节俭的人。
His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.
他的作文写得很好, 只有几处语法错误。
except for 意思是除了局部有小的缺点外,整体状况还比较好。
except that 除去…之外后接句子(本题后不是句子)
except that 只是,只可惜;除了


except,besides,except for用法的关联和区别


except,besides,except for用法的关联和区别
1.作介词用法时,这三个词都有"除…之外"的含义,但except常与do/does/did/have/has/hadnothing等词形成搭配用法,或者与全部肯定词all、everything、ev?eryone等连用,或者与全部否定词nothing、nobody等连用,因此except加宾语作介词"除…之外"时常表示从整体中剔除一部分;而besides作"除…之外"时则表示"另外附加"的含义,相当于"in addition to"。试比较下列例句:
1)He did not hing except watch TV yesterday.
2)He said nothing except to smile just now.
3)All the students took at rip except Tom yesterday.
4)We need 3 more persons to finish the job besides/inaddition to us two.
1)The weather is fine today except in the northwest.此句相当于:
The weather is fine today except that it is in the northwest.
2)His mother never takes any exercise except on the dance floor.此句相当于:
His mother never takes any exercise except that she has adance on the floor.
All the buildings are excellent except this one.
All the buildings are excellent except for their location或者All the buildings are excellent except that the place on which the buid?ings are built is notgood.
There was no single person in the dark street that night except apoliceman on his duty.此句相当于:
Except for apoliceman on his duty,there was no single person in the dark street that night.
1)Tom is a good student except that he is careless.此句相当于:Tom is a goods tudent except for his carelessness.
2)Tom seldom comes late to school except when it rains hard.此句相当于:Tom seldom comes late to school except on a heavily rainy day.


答案是B,我选D,请各位帮帮忙帮忙解释一下,这几个词有什么区别及用法3.Your composition is very good,_____ a few spelling mistakes. A. besides B. except for C. except D. except that答案是B,我选D,请各位 ?答案是D.请大家帮忙分析一下选D的原因,四个结论都要解释,很急,谢谢! 你知道“南橘北枳”的说法吗?试加以解释.着是我的生物作业还请各位帅哥美女帮忙了答案要标准哈谢谢拉 我感觉是选D,Y只能表示C,D气体的转化率或百分含量啊 而不能表示A,B气体的啊.可为什么答案给AD..请各位哥哥姐姐帮帮忙...1楼的 压强增大 反应向系数和小的方向移动 所以你的回答错了2楼的 高一政治 必修一 十一题 求解释 答案是a我选了d 在热传递过程中,被传递的是:( )A.质量B.温度C.比热容D.能量请各位帮忙(速求答案) what___lovely weather it is?A / B the C an D a 此题答案是A请各位大哥大姐帮忙回答些讲解, 高中数学选择题一道(如图所示)原题如下:以下是本题的答案:选择B我才刚开始学,看不懂答案,请各位帮帮忙,帮我分析一下答案! 我觉得这题答案不对.请各位参考下.答案选的是C.我觉得该选B 英语单选提问If the trousers are too big,buy a smaller ( ).A、set B、oneC、copy D、pair答案选的是D 但是我选的的是B~我感觉已经出现了一个a“~而且就用的是单数形式~为什么不可以的~高手请给我解释一 “green christmas” 的意思是啥?green christmas”的意思是啥?请各位帮帮忙,帮我找一找答案,谢谢. 他都不知道答案,何况是我呢? 用英语怎么翻译?请各位大神帮帮忙哈~ 高一必修四的某计算题,各位帮帮忙!我做到:m/√[m^2+(- √3)^2]=√2/4m, 我的计算结果总是不对,我算最后是m^2+3-8,得出的m值总是和答案的不一样,答案是+√5或- √5,请各位帮帮忙. 以下四种尾气吸收装置中,不适合吸收极易溶于水的气体,且易产生倒吸现象(溶液进入气体发生装置中)的是我知道答案选A,但是,请各位亲帮忙解释一下选A的原因和不选B C D 的原因,详细一点 烦问各位大神,第八题答案是D无疑,我在计算机上演示过.但为什么b的值为-2,不是-1吗?求解释 如A如B的词语这是我的作业,请各位大侠帮忙. 我选的是A,答案给的是B,请各位老师解释一下A为什么不对、B为什么对? 请各位帮忙解释几道英语题1. cornputers can only give cut__ has been stored in them.a that b which c what d anything 答案选 c2.father asked___a what was wrong with me b what's wrong with mec what wrong was with me