用括号内动词的正确时态填空the life we were used to _(change) since we moved to the big city并说明理由,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 19:12:59

用括号内动词的正确时态填空the life we were used to _(change) since we moved to the big city并说明理由,
the life we were used to _(change) since we moved to the big city

用括号内动词的正确时态填空the life we were used to _(change) since we moved to the big city并说明理由,
has changed 已经变化了

the life we were used to has changed_ since we moved to the big city

根据短文内容,用括号内的动词正确时态形式填空. 用括号中动词的正确时态填空 用括号内动词的适当时态和语态填空 用括号内动词的正确时态填空the life we were used to _(change) since we moved to the big city并说明理由, The children ------(throw) the pillows in the bedroom now.用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空 用括号内所给动词的正确时态填空.1.They ( )(play)football tomorrow2.Tom usually ( )(walk)to school3.Lucy ( )(listen)to the teacher now The factory has been (open)since two years ago .用括号内动词的正确形式填空 初二、被动语态专项练习——给所给动词的正确形式填空.二、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空.(1×20=20分)(请注意时态和语态两个方面噢)1.It's said(据说) that the long bridge______________(build 动词正确时态填空 用括号内的动词填空 是用动词的正确时态填空,Look!The boy over there_____(ply) a model plane. 有关英语填空的.用括号内动词用正确时态填空1.The train 【leave】when he 【hurry】to the station yester.2.He 【be】to Beijing five times by the end of last month.3.Sam told me that he 【see】the film three times.4.The boy who As we____ (know),when people____(be) ill,they ___ (go) to the doctor.用括号内单词正确时态填空, 用括号里所给的动词的正确时态填空our country___________(be)quitemodern after 2010 用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空 用括号内的正确形式填空. 用括号内的正确形式填空 用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空.(请注意时态和语态两个方面噢)1.Luckily,they_____(not trap)in the car.They got out of the car.2._____the ground____(cover)with snow yesterday?3.Before you leave,make sure that all the windo