If noises in the city _from increasing,people_shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now 选 are not kept;will have to 的原因

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:10:49

If noises in the city _from increasing,people_shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now 选 are not kept;will have to 的原因
If noises in the city _from increasing,people_shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now
选 are not kept;will have to 的原因

If noises in the city _from increasing,people_shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now 选 are not kept;will have to 的原因
从后一句得到信息“喊着说话才被听得到”,而前一句的条件是(if表条件)噪音_增长,显然空缺处应填上表肯定意义的成分才能保证逻辑通顺,这里注意介词from,keep from是阻止、免于的意思,前加否定词not形成(双重否定=肯定)的语言环境;后一句由语法if条件句从句一般现在时,主句将来时知用will have to 表顺接

前半句是被动语态be done是被动语态的结构,后半句是将来时态will是将来时态的用法。 have to 不得不

keep from... 使远离......。 noises作主语,应用被动语态。 have to 不得不
整句话的意思是: 如果城市中的噪音(污染)得不到遏制,20年后,即使在餐桌上人们也得大声吆喝才能听到彼此的声音。

If noises in the city _from increasing,people_shout to be heard even at the dinner tableA are not kept ;will have to B do not keep;will have to If noises in the city _from increasing,people_shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now 选 are not kept;will have to 的原因 改变句子 Ben heard some noises in the park yesterday一疑,否回 she insisted that she______sent to work in the USA A.was B.were Cit D.which翻译句子, noise是可数名词还是不可数名词?为什么我在词典上看到这样一句话:He was angry about the noises in the next room?“noise”不是不可数名词吗?重点解释noises! far away from the noises 能不能换成far from the noises要说明原因哦! because he was tired of noises and crowds in the city,he went to live () in that().Aalone,lonelyBalong,lonelyClonely,alongDlonely,alone 英语翻译The unsportsmanlike noises of the fans so unnerved our star player that he missed two foul shots in a row. 英语If city noises _______from increasing,people _______shout to9.If city noises _______from increasing,people _______shout to be heard even at the dinner table about 20 years from now.A.are not kept ,will have toB.are not kept ,have toC.do not kee 英语单项选择 if city noises——form increasing,people——sho英语单项选择if city noises——form increasing,people——shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years form now.A.are not kept,will have toB.are not kept,have toC.do i found______hard to get along with him in the past,but now he has changed A that Bit is Cit Dit's if you lost in the If city noises are not kept from increasing,people will have to shout to be heart even at the dinner tabble 20 years from now.为什么是kept不是keep主句不是将来时态从句应用现在时啊 ( )that china has the largest population in the world.A.it is no question B.there is mo question Cit is no doubt D.there is no doubt 这道题选什么,为什么? As the noises are ——of big cities,some people prefer live in the countryside.——填什么A peculiai B particular C special D characteristic 选什么 If only as in the beginning sees 英语翻译The Americans Living In The Suburbs Since the 1960s,a lot of houses have been built in the suburbs of Americans,far from the center of large cities.While more and more people are working in around big cities,most prefer not to live in cit 5.The students ________(make) noises while the teacher ________(be) away.