英语 把错的句子改正Do you see a animal?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:46:12

英语 把错的句子改正Do you see a animal?
英语 把错的句子改正
Do you see a animal?

英语 把错的句子改正Do you see a animal?
a -> an
animal 是元音开头,要用an

a—an 元音

a-改成 an 因为animal的词首是a 发元音,像这样的单词前面的冠词a要变为an

应该是“Do you see an animal?”

英语 把错的句子改正Do you see a animal? 英语 排列句子 不对请帮我改正!1.do why to see the want you lions )Why du you want see the lions 先判断下面2句话是对是错,错的改正.(英语)1.Does Gina reading English in the classroom when you see her?2.What do you usually do when it's raining? 英语 把错的句子改正 急Just stay on bed and I 'll telephone the doctor.You'd better to go to the hospital.How many fishes can you see in the rier.Summer begin in June.Look!The girl is make a snowman.Don't tell the teacher .I's between you an 改错 See you on night tomorrow.这个句子有一个单词是错的,请帮忙改正. 求:英语改错,把改正后的句子写出来(不要改变句子愿意)1,I couldn't play in the kitchen too.答:2,A fire can also be very danger.答:3,When you get out of the building,call 119.答:4,When you see a fire,tell a adult.答:5,When you l 英语改错:I have fewer money than you do这个句子中有一处错误A.have B.fewer money C.than D.do 哪个错了,并改正 When you see a white building,that's my house.把错改正! 下列句子中均有一处错误.把错误部分的序号写在括号里,并在横现在改正.1.Let's going to the ciema to see a film.( )A B C D2.What do you think of go to the sea next month?( )A B C D3.These 2 film tickets spent him 160 yuan 改正下列句子的错误 Those aren't her watchs Do you his friend? Were you do your homework yesterday?找出这个句子的错误并改正 判断句子,不正确的改正 I do not want you hurt yourselves. 把句子中错的地方写出来,并改正 英语 查语病.I know you are here and receive my message.Why do not reply to me.How do you think?you don't know how happy when I saw your Q-zone.Perhaps some memories do not move it better.I wish you happiness forever.希望可以把错的改正 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写出来:What subject do you good at? 把下列句子错误的改正过来 2道英语改错题~下列句子中各有一处错误,请把他们找出并改正1、How often do you ill?--- often.2、Lucy was never away to school last term. What do you usually do when it's raining?是否正确,错的请改正.