有句英语不知是什么意思,也不理解其语法结构,有谁可以帮忙的,the consensus among many of the attendees appeared to be that kouros was not at all what it was supposed to be.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:20:56

有句英语不知是什么意思,也不理解其语法结构,有谁可以帮忙的,the consensus among many of the attendees appeared to be that kouros was not at all what it was supposed to be.
the consensus among many of the attendees appeared to be that kouros was not at all what it was supposed to be.

有句英语不知是什么意思,也不理解其语法结构,有谁可以帮忙的,the consensus among many of the attendees appeared to be that kouros was not at all what it was supposed to be.
the consensus(主语---一致意见) among many of the attendees(定语——出席者中的多数人员) appeared to be(谓语) that kouros was not at all what it was supposed to be.(that引导的从句做宾语,从句中又包含一个what引导的从句)



找出句子的主干:the consensus……appeared to be ……

许多出席者一致认为那个青年雕像完全不象它原来所应成为的那样。 在这个句子里consensus是主语 among many of the attendees 是来修饰这个 consensus 的 ,appeared是谓语 ,that kouros was not at all what it was supposed to be 是that引导的一个宾语从句 。

有句英语不知是什么意思,也不理解其语法结构,有谁可以帮忙的,the consensus among many of the attendees appeared to be that kouros was not at all what it was supposed to be. 怎样提高英语阅读理解分数我语法还好的,试卷里有时很好有时差,主要就是阅读方面,但时好时坏我也不知怎么回事? 虽有佳肴,弗食不知其旨也是什么意思 宁愿.也不.用英语怎么说,语法是什么? 英语倒装句语法?英语倒装句语法知识点是什么?有相关的讲解视频吗? 不知有能是什么意思 归亦捧心而颦其里的亦是什么意思,全句是什么意思.还有一句:彼知颦美而不知颦之所以美的彼是什么意思,全句是什么意思谢谢哈 “矗不知其几千万落”中“其”是什么意思最好有出处 “虽有佳肴,弗食,不知其旨也.虽有至道,弗学,不知其善也.“你怎么样理解这句话 本文告诉了我们什么道理 怎样理解其真无马邪,其真不知马也 怎样理解“其真无马耶?其真不知马也”的? ”生活在别处”是什么意思米兰昆德拉说过一句”生活在别处”不知大家是如何理解这样的一句话? 不知其人观其友是什么意思? 不知其善也的善是什么意思 不知其旨也的旨是什么意思 这句英语有没有问题?Forget is a simple matter,for time【语法有没有错?如果没错这句话是什么意思.】 我这样的应该怎么样学英语知其形不知其神.知道语法.不管什么英语的语法,规范之类的都知道..就是不认识单词...只认识少部分. who is the tin of tobacco for? 看过翻译知道意思 但是不明白语法 不知道怎么理解.who is the tin of tobacco for?谁 的 一罐 烟草 for 也不明白是什么意思这里用的是什么语法