英语翻译后面一句asked for ask...

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 08:18:02

英语翻译后面一句asked for ask...
后面一句asked for ask...

英语翻译后面一句asked for ask...





英语翻译后面一句asked for ask... 一句英语翻译,话的前面是化学试剂,后面是were used as received, 英语翻译特别是后面一句not for zhe world 的意思 英语翻译还有就是the doctor in charge of his case asked him to fill out one form after another ,but kept him in suspense as to what they were for 这一句,要考,望知道者回答.一共有两个地方,后面打出来的一句是单独的 英语翻译I am afraid your plans are not as prcticable as you think,for it's beyond the majority.后面半句不理解! 英语翻译翻译后面的一句. 英语翻译尤其是后面一句,怎么翻译? He stared at me as if seeing me for first time.翻译并急事if 后面为什么用ing形式.而另外一句if后面用的to do.为什么He cleared his throat as if to say something. 麻烦大家帮忙翻译一句饭店英语2The hotel concierge is best known as a person to remmend a good local resaurant and make reservations for guests.But a concierge does more.A concierge may be asked to... 英语翻译(1) I rose to leave,wished him well,and headed for the exit.(2) So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee,I asked.(3) I asked if I might join him.第一二句的rose 第三句求句式分析 改被动语态 一句We asked Mary to play the piano for us. 英语翻译“I asked her for the questions.” 英语翻译后面那一句不明白.计算机相关英语. 问大家一句英语翻译I would like to share that story with you, as well as my ideas for a possible solution for world peace. 我不要机器翻译!谢谢! asked for [his English test / my brother / for help / therefore / his English teacher / asked / failed / he ] 把这些单词连成一句, 大江东去,后面一句 孔雀东南飞,后面一句