
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 05:18:37


In spring,the weather is warm and humid.Most of the days are rainy.It is suitable for the growth of plants.Many beautiful flowers will appear at that time
In summer,it is very hot.The temperature is very high.We like swimming and eating ice-cream to cmofort ourselves.Moreover,there are some typhoo and rainstorms too.Remenber to bring your umberlla when you go out.
In autumn,it is very cool.The weather is good and suitable for picnic.However,autumn is usually very short,so please enjoy the treasable moment.
In winter,it is extreme cold.there may be snow too!In fact,it is very dry too!Many peopel catch a cold at this season,we should take cae ourselves.

每个人都知道一年有四季。Everybody knows that there are four seasons in one year.
第一个季节是春季。The first season is Spring.
当我们谈轮到春天我们会体会到生命的力量。When talking about Spring, we can feel the earth's energy of lif...


每个人都知道一年有四季。Everybody knows that there are four seasons in one year.
第一个季节是春季。The first season is Spring.
当我们谈轮到春天我们会体会到生命的力量。When talking about Spring, we can feel the earth's energy of life.
所有生灵都从沉睡中醒来,小草微笑着慢慢变绿,人们脱去沉重的冬衣开心的工作。Everthing awakes from consciousness, the grass smiles and gets green, people take off the heavy clothes and work happyly.
第二个季节是夏季。The second season is Summer.
在夏天里最流行的运动就是有用了,那也是我最喜欢的运动。The most fashionable activity in summer is swimming which is my favourite sport!
清凉的水让我感觉像在天堂一样。The cold water makes me feel like in the heaven!
然后是秋天。The third season of a year is Autumn!
对于农民来说这可是他们最喜欢的季节,因为秋天意味着丰收!Maybe farmers are the most happy people when Autumn arrives, as Autumn means harvest for them!
最后是冬季。And the last season of a year is Winter!
在这里冬天很冷,还会有雪,人们在冬天里最期望的就是新年了!You know it's cold here in winter, there will be snow then, and people are all looking forward to the Spring Festival!!


Dear Jim:
Thank you for your litter.Our town is cold this day,so most of people have suffered from flu.You know,there are changeable wheather in shanghai,and made most of guys il...


Dear Jim:
Thank you for your litter.Our town is cold this day,so most of people have suffered from flu.You know,there are changeable wheather in shanghai,and made most of guys ill.............,so you'd get ready for this day ,and don't forget bring some clothes next week when you are arrvied here
least and last,Good luck!best wishes for you
yours xx
