"I was so pressed for time that I couldn't give the lengthy report more than a cursory reading," the busy executive confessed.p.s.please translate this sentence into Chinese exspecially the pharse not ...more than

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:53:11

"I was so pressed for time that I couldn't give the lengthy report more than a cursory reading," the busy executive confessed.p.s.please translate this sentence into Chinese exspecially the pharse not ...more than
"I was so pressed for time that I couldn't give the lengthy report more than a cursory reading," the busy executive confessed.
p.s.please translate this sentence into Chinese exspecially the pharse not ...more than

"I was so pressed for time that I couldn't give the lengthy report more than a cursory reading," the busy executive confessed.p.s.please translate this sentence into Chinese exspecially the pharse not ...more than
no more...than含有消极,否定的意味,译为"A与B都不……,不……也不"等.
not more...than含有积极,肯定的意味,表示程度上的差异.比较:
He is no more diligent than you. 你不勤奋,他也不勤奋.(两人都不勤奋)
He is not more diligent than you. 他没有你那么勤奋.(意指两个人都勤奋,但你更勤奋)
这里不能理解成 not ... more than
而是词组more than 是与.相比的意思

"我是如此时间紧迫,我不能让长篇报告超过粗粗读" ,在繁忙的行政事实供认不讳。
