有关高中英语的一些题看清,我要求要从语法的角度分析一下这几道题,光给答案的绝对不会是最佳!1.Now let's observe another little scene,___you might have in your life to came.A.as B.since C.like D.what2.The most___of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:34:09

有关高中英语的一些题看清,我要求要从语法的角度分析一下这几道题,光给答案的绝对不会是最佳!1.Now let's observe another little scene,___you might have in your life to came.A.as B.since C.like D.what2.The most___of
1.Now let's observe another little scene,___you might have in your life to came.
A.as B.since C.like D.what
2.The most___of all is how we can distinguish the mistakes and errors___good language.
A.puzzling;from B.puzzled;from C.puzzling;than D.puzzled;than
3.___exchange student can learn many useful things,it is also possible that some of them may fall behing in very vivid imagination.
A.If B.Aslong as C.Since D.While
4.I didn't see your sisiter at the meeting.If she___,she would have met my brother.
A.hsa come B.did come C.came D.had come
5.I do wish I___ more about the subject.
A.have known b.kewn C.known D.will know
6.___ the clouds,you woule find the airplane in the sky easily.
A.Where it not for B.If it had not been for C .If it were not D.Had it not been for
7.---___ you got to know my telephone number?
---Through a friend of yours.
A.How wasit B.How was it that
C.Was it how that D.How did
8.The health care centre provides treatment at half the cost,___the needs of the patient.
A.to depend on B.depending on
C depended on D.being depended on
9.when 与 while 的所有区别
OK 就这些了

有关高中英语的一些题看清,我要求要从语法的角度分析一下这几道题,光给答案的绝对不会是最佳!1.Now let's observe another little scene,___you might have in your life to came.A.as B.since C.like D.what2.The most___of
2,我选A,因为“puzzle”的形容词只有“puzzling”,“puzzled”是过去分词,前面只能是人,如:“I puzzled by his letter”(他的信让我感到困惑).“than”后面要跟被比较的东西,显然“good language”不是.
4,选D,“在那场会议中,我没有看到你妹妹,如果她来了,她可能去见我兄弟了.”从前面一句话中的“didn't”得知,“the meeting”发生在过去,所以后面要用过去完成时.
5,我选A,虚拟语气(我忘得差不多了),我只是看到了个例句“If I had time.I could come to help you.”
6,我选C,也是虚拟语气,如例句“If I were you,I'd take them away.”(如果我是你的话,我就会带走他们)
8,我选C,先还原一下:“The health care centre provides treatment at half the cost,it's depended on the needs of the patient.”,看着D也对,但我觉得being可以省掉,如果不省前面就没有必要加逗号了
①when是at or during the time that,既指时间点,也可指一段时间;
while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词.
②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生.
a.When the teacher came in,we were talking.
While we were talking,the teacher came in.
b.They were singing while we were dancing.
④when和while 还可作并列连词.when表示“在那时”;while表示“而,却”,表对照关系.如:
a.The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike.
b.He is strong while his brother is weak.
我想还有一个规律吧当用When的时候例:When the teacher came in,we were talking.后半部分为主句,而且一般后半部分用过去进行时.当用While的时候例:While we were talking,the teacher came in.While接的是过去进行时,while接的也是主句

有关高中英语的一些题看清,我要求要从语法的角度分析一下这几道题,光给答案的绝对不会是最佳!1.Now let's observe another little scene,___you might have in your life to came.A.as B.since C.like D.what2.The most___of 我的要求是要5题!请看清提问, 请给我一些高中英语常考的词组和一些语法如题 最好能给我一些具体的答案 是要牛津译林版的 我特别需要一些语法的填空题,高中英语范畴的就可以.最好是时态的 有关塔松的春夏秋冬诗句我不要那么一大段,你就给我四句诗吧,春夏秋冬.请看清我的要求! 大家推荐一本英语语法练习书,要求如下:我现在大三,高中英语语法学习的懵懵懂懂的.举个例子说,给我一个英语句子让我划分成分我就划不好.最近看了一些语法书,想找一本练习语法的书来 高中英语全部的语法 有关英语的语法总结我要急用语法总结! 人教版高中英语谁帮我找找高中英语所有的语法点?人教版高中英语谁帮我找找高中英语所有的语法点08届的 谁能给出在高中英语作文中一些常用到的短语和句子语法结构有多少要多少 高中英语音标、语法辅导书、练习册本人今年要上高二了,但是我对于英语的音标、语法等一无所知,希望可以买些练习书,求荐!看来我要从最基本的开始学了! 求一些高中英语基本语法和必要的单词相机一些基本语法和单词~知道的请帮帮忙~ 高中英语必考单词我要从a开始的词汇表. 高中英语倒装语法的讲解? 高中英语定语从句的语法 求高中英语重要的语法 求高中英语作文,致WWF的一封信、我最喜欢的地方各需两篇不同的要求短易懂无语法和时态错误急用谢谢先! 高中英语必修五语法题