雅思作文观点如何展开在主题段?我实在不会展开!举个例子:The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?这个题目我想写

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:41:06

雅思作文观点如何展开在主题段?我实在不会展开!举个例子:The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?这个题目我想写
举个例子:The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

雅思作文观点如何展开在主题段?我实在不会展开!举个例子:The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?这个题目我想写
...though the spread of English do really bring some harm to the diversity of global culture,yet i
would state my objection to the issue after analyzing the following reasons.
initially,the spread of English will definitely accelerate the combination of various cultures,which would contribute much to the global culture,...
there is a further moe subtle point we must consider.as an international language,the spread of it
will promote international trade remarkably...
all factors considered,we can get the conclusion reasonaly that...

雅思作文观点如何展开在主题段?我实在不会展开!举个例子:The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?这个题目我想写 不会写雅思作文写雅思作文不会给观点,给了观点不会论证怎么办? 雅思写作大作文思路如何展开? 辩论赛主题:态度决定一切?我是反方,就是不支持这个观点.请问我应该如何论述,应该捉住哪些重点加以论述?应该从哪些方面展开? 雅思小作文开头段该如何写雅思小作文的开头段,在转述了题目后可以加一句概括整体趋势的话吗 雅思作文观点我在看范文时发现有一些是正反观点都阐述的,也有只阐述一种观点的.到底作文应该写单一观点呢还是都说? 如何写明白要尊敬父母的作文结尾我写了一篇作文,主要写了父亲对我的爷爷奶奶的关心尊敬,结尾我打算写我明白了要尊敬孝敬父母,要扣长大的主题.我实在是不会写了, 我实在不会了, 我实在不会了 雅思大作文小问题我之前一直写大作文的方法都是:第一段:背景+题目改写第二段:我不支持的观点及理由第三段:however 我支持的观点及理由第四段:总结我刚看了别人意见,说第一段必须 不会写雅思作文怎么办? 雅思大作文观点句怎么写 雅思大作文是否跑题了有人认为尽到上税的责任就够了 有人认为除了上税还有责任为社会做别的贡献讨论这两种观点和你的看法我开头段写的是 现在有很多人在上税之余做慈善事业 关于除 雅思阅读如何抓住段落主题? 这些题我实在不会, 我实在是不会做, 有人能帮写一篇关于 守时 主题的英语作文吗?我实在是不会英语~所以只好厚面皮的求大家了~急用~不好意思了~不要例文~请亲自写~能写多少是多少吧~但别太多啊~ 雅思大作文怎么写?我听说大作文就是分点阐述自己的观点,最后一段再总结一下~那请问大作文第一段该如何写啊?