有两句英文,我不太懂其用法.是酒店英语相关句子.1st,They act as the eyes and ears of the Security Department,watch for skippers,and make inspections as they room their charges.这句开头的they,承上文应该指的是酒店的礼

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:59:31

有两句英文,我不太懂其用法.是酒店英语相关句子.1st,They act as the eyes and ears of the Security Department,watch for skippers,and make inspections as they room their charges.这句开头的they,承上文应该指的是酒店的礼
They act as the eyes and ears of the Security Department,watch for skippers,and make inspections as they room their charges.
这句开头的they,承上文应该指的是酒店的礼宾,concierge.skipper指逃单的客人.我不懂得是最后they room their charges的room 指什么,这半句应该怎么翻译.
As many guest services become computerized and standardized,concierge service often provides the special attention a guest would not otherwise receive.
和上句属于一篇文章,讲concierge的.不懂的是后面的,would not otherwise receive.应该怎么翻译,otherwise这里属于什么用法?

有两句英文,我不太懂其用法.是酒店英语相关句子.1st,They act as the eyes and ears of the Security Department,watch for skippers,and make inspections as they room their charges.这句开头的they,承上文应该指的是酒店的礼
They act as the eyes and ears of the Security Department,watch for skippers,and make inspections as they room their charges.
这句开头的they,承上文应该指的是酒店的礼宾,concierge.skipper指逃单的客人.我不懂得是最后they room their charges的room 指什么,这半句应该怎么翻译.
As many guest services become computerized and standardized,concierge service often provides the special attention a guest would not otherwise receive.
concierge service为顾客提供特别关照,这在其他情况下顾客是享受不到的.otherwise是副词作状语.

有两句英文,我不太懂其用法.是酒店英语相关句子.1st,They act as the eyes and ears of the Security Department,watch for skippers,and make inspections as they room their charges.这句开头的they,承上文应该指的是酒店的礼 在酒店打工要用的英语我在新加坡学的是酒店管理,想利用假期去酒店打工,但英语不太好,想知道在酒店打工要接触到的英语 酒店的英文是怎样拼的? 酒店的大厅 英文是lobby吗? 去酒店面试要用英文做自我介绍明天下午就要去一家四星级酒店面试 我知道必须得用英语做自我介绍 可我真的是不知道该说些什么 都说些什么 最好是能把英文也发来 谢谢朋友们了 .比如 英语翻译这么多答案我都晕了,是给酒店吧台制作预定卡需要翻译成英文,其预定范围为:餐饮预定、客房预定、会议预定,哪个更合适? 学酒店英语哪些书好点我妹想学酒店英语,英语基础一般,现在是刚起步,请大家推荐一下有关酒店英语方面的书,不要太难的,怕她消化不了, 谁知道酒店英语之类的好书,推荐一本我 是做前台接待的 阿联酋及7星级酒店的英语写法是?有英文介绍就最好了,谢谢哦! 谁能不能给我些具体的酒店常用英语,寻找酒店常用交流英语 我要有关世界七星级酒店的英文介绍! 我已经预定好酒店的英文怎么说 [急~]酒店前台房态所有英文缩写含义我需要知道酒店前台房态所有英文缩写含义如VIP是贵宾房,DND是免打扰还有许多 酒店英文怎么写 酒店试睡员用英文怎么说 “酒店销售”英文怎么说? 酒店英文怎么读 香格里拉酒店英文全称?