
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:41:38


Hello everyone,Today I want talk about a person who I most respect in my life.Everybody please guess who he is.
He is very handsome,smiles with two cute dimples.
He contributes all his life to the people and never ask for any reward.
After he dead .There are even no legacy ,sons and daughters.
He always said,"work hard like a cattle","serve the people untill you are dead".He had already done that just as what he said .
Whenever I looked his photos.he was majestic-lookoing and affable,I felt him is kindly and in tears alwaysly.The strong for what he did,his selflessness,his spirit of facing the pain all by himself.
The high character and bright personality of his were deeply impressed on people'heart of all nationalities.Also,he won the high prestige in international areas.
He is different from any others,beacause he is a sage,he will be respected by all the chinese people forever!
2010-11.11 czw

Everybody is good, today I want the human who discusses this whole life I most to respect, asks everybody to guess who this extraordinary personality is. he the good looks and graceful manners, smiles...


Everybody is good, today I want the human who discusses this whole life I most to respect, asks everybody to guess who this extraordinary personality is. he the good looks and graceful manners, smiles very much has two lovable dimples. his life pays completely has given the people, always paid, actually did not strive for the repayment.after his death, does not have the least bit inheritance, a life not son female. He said that “should look like the strip cow to struggle, “to serve equally diligently” for the people dies”,but he truly has also achieved.whenever I saw he beforehand picture, either powerful, either gentle kind, always thought that is that kind, also always has tears streaming down the face. For his payout, for his selflessness, does not want to let others for his again pain be strong for own worry. his lofty personal character, the glory personality, the deep engraved inscription in the national various races people heart, internationally also enjoys the very high prestige. he is different with anybody, because he is the sage, will let the human who all Chinese will forever respect!


Everybody is good, today I want to talk about a in this life I respect most people, everyone please guess what this great man who is.
He is very handsome, laugh to have two cute dimple.
His li...


Everybody is good, today I want to talk about a in this life I respect most people, everyone please guess what this great man who is.
He is very handsome, laugh to have two cute dimple.
His lifetime all paid for the people, always pay, but never requiting.
After the death of his legacy, there is no life without a son and daughter.
He said "should be like a cow hard struggle", and "serve the people dead,
But he did some.
Whenever I see his former photos, or majestic-looking, or grandfatherly good-natured, total feel is so kind, also always breaks down in tears. For his pay for his selfless, for he even if you take the pain also don't want to let others for himself to worry about strong.
His lofty moral character, bright personality, deeply impressed on people of all ethnic groups in heart, in international enjoys high prestige.
He is different from anyone, because he is a sage, is to be able to let all Chinese people always respect the person!


英语翻译翻译一下内容:今天我想要谈论一个这辈子我最尊敬的人,请大家猜猜这位伟人是谁.他很帅气,笑起来有两个可爱的酒窝.他的一生全部付出给了人民,总是付出,却不求回报.他的死后没 英语翻译谈论哪方面内容的都行,我急用! 英语翻译最好两个名字都把英文名翻译一下.我想要一个符合我自己名字的英文名字. 英语翻译我设计了一个举重杠铃的图案,上面想要加上成就了今天的我的英文在这边麻烦高人帮我翻译! 英语翻译今天我想要谈论一个这辈子我最尊敬的人,请大家猜猜这位伟人是谁.他很帅气,笑起来有两个可爱的酒窝.他的一生全部付出给了人民,总是付出,却不求回报.他的死后没有半点遗产,一 英语翻译今天是我24岁生日.老公却忙得忘记了.我想用一句英文提醒他一下.需要翻译内容“老公还记得今天是什么日子么,每年的今天你在忙都会送我玫瑰花的!” 英语翻译请翻译一下句子——0 今天,我想要咨询您一些问题,期待您出色的回答1 我知道新西兰是英联邦成员国之一,那么您知道英国与新西兰的关系如何?2 您作为一个自英国来到中国的人,可 英语翻译想要一个最佳的翻译. 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译一下这句话“我今天的努力只是为了给你更美丽的明天”,..千万别goole一个给我啊~跪谢! 英语翻译我想要中文歌词,翻译版的, 英语翻译我想要准确的翻译, 英语翻译我想要全篇的翻译! 英语翻译我想要逐句翻译的, 我只是想要一个在乎我关心我的人而已翻译 麻烦帮我翻译一下英文怎么说. 用英语翻译 我想要今天晚上帮助我妈妈洗衣服 英语翻译这是一个电子表格,里面要填东西,但我不知道每一项要填写的内容是哪些.帮我翻译一下. 英语翻译突然有一天收到一个短信内容如下:Valla kusura bakma cince yaziokuyomiyorum我查了好像是土耳其语,有认识的请帮助我翻译一下, 英语翻译“明天我想要一个惊喜”这句话怎么翻译,感激.我没分了,555