what is the pattern of each poem?pattern这儿是什么意思.诗歌的样式吗?那回答怎么回答呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:13:38

what is the pattern of each poem?pattern这儿是什么意思.诗歌的样式吗?那回答怎么回答呢?
what is the pattern of each poem?pattern这儿是什么意思.诗歌的样式吗?那回答怎么回答呢?

what is the pattern of each poem?pattern这儿是什么意思.诗歌的样式吗?那回答怎么回答呢?
1. 从诗歌的形式可分为:
① 古体诗,包括古诗(唐以前的诗歌)、楚辞、乐府诗.注意“歌”、“歌行”、“引”、“曲”、“呤”等古诗体裁的诗歌也属古体诗.古体诗不讲对仗,押韵较自由.古体诗的发展轨迹:《诗经》→楚辞→汉赋→汉乐府→魏晋南北朝民歌→建安诗歌→陶诗等文人五言诗→唐代的古风、新乐府.
② 近体诗,包括律诗和绝句.
③ 词,又称为诗余、长短句、曲子、曲子词、乐府等.其特点:调有定格,句有定数,字有定声.字数不同可分为长调(91字以上)、中调(59-90字)、小令(58字以内).词有单调和双调之分,双调就是分两大段,两段的平仄、字数是相等或大致相等的,单调只有一段.词的一段叫一阙或一片,第一段叫前阙、上阙、上片,第二段叫后阙、下阙、下片.
④ 曲,又称为词余、乐府.元曲包括散曲和杂剧.散曲兴起于金,兴盛于元,体式与词相近.特点:可以在字数定格外加衬字,较多使用口语.散曲包括有小令、套数(套曲)两种.套数是连贯成套的曲子,至少是两曲,多则几十曲.每一套数都以第一首曲的曲牌作为全套的曲牌名,全套必须同一宫调.它无宾白科介,只供清唱.
2. 从诗歌的题材可分为:
① 写景抒情诗,歌咏山水名胜、描写自然景色的抒情诗歌.古代有些诗人由于不满现实,常寄情于山水,通过描绘江湖风光、自然风景平寄寓自己的思想感情.这类诗常将要抒发的情感寄寓在后描写的景物之中,这就是人们常说的寓情于景.其风格清新自然.
② 咏物言志诗,诗人对所咏之物的外形、特点、神韵、品格进行描摹,以寄托诗人自己的感情,表达诗人的精神、品质或理想.
③ 即事感怀诗,因一事由而引发诗人的感慨,如怀亲、思乡、念友等.
④ 怀古咏史诗,以历史典故为题材,或表明自己的看法,或借古讽今,或抒发沧桑变化的感慨.
我也不晓得怎么翻译成英语 ,不好意思啊





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what is the pattern of each poem?pattern这儿是什么意思.诗歌的样式吗?那回答怎么回答呢? Which is the missing pattern? What do you think is the Chinese pattern in regard to intrusion? What is the significance of study of development pattern?请帮我回答此题, What do you think is the Chinese pattern in regard to intrusion?这个问题该怎么回答?(英文) What do you think is the Chinese pattern in regard to intrusion?这个问题该怎么回答?(英文) 英语翻译Contrary to what may be expected,the seasonal pattern in per person tourist spending is considerably different from the seasonal pattern in tourist arrivals.As mentioned earlier,the peak period is taken for granted by many practitioners a BREAK THE PATTERN意思 翻译:What is special about Man's brain,compared with that of the monkey,is the comples system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of,say,a teddy-bear with the sound pattern teddy-bear. 翻译:What is special about Man's brain,compared with that of the monkey,is the complex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of,say,a teddy-bear with the sound pattern teddy-bear. 英语翻译THE NEXT PATTERN OF CONFLICTWorld politics is entering a new phase,and intellectuals have not hesitated to proliferate visions of what it will be--the end of history,the return of traditional rivalries between nation states,and the declin 英语翻译就是这个:THE NEXT PATTERN OF CONFLICTWorld politics is entering a new phase,and intellectuals have not hesitated to proliferate visions of what it will be--the end of history,the return of traditional rivalries between nation states pattern Pattern, Helping students with their studies is pattern of the teachers' work .这里为什么不用help? What dou you think is the Chinese pattern in regard to intrusion我的意思是 这是一句英语问题,我要的答案不是翻译这句话而是这句话问的答案啊 What theory do you think offers the best explanation of the evolutionary pattern of FDI of China 英语翻译What is climate?Climate is the average weather usually taken over a 30-year time period for a particular region and time period.Climate is not the same as weather,but rather,it is the average pattern of weather for a particular region.Wea