:The fish t very nice.填个t开头的单词把

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:21:42

:The fish t very nice.填个t开头的单词把
:The fish t very nice.

:The fish t very nice.填个t开头的单词把

:The fish t very nice.填个t开头的单词把 nic. the fish is very delicious.t___some,please. the fried fish is very d( ) the fried fish tastes very delicious 感叹句 The fish is very d_____.I like it very much. The friend fish tastes very delicious.______ ___The friend fish tastes very delicious.______ ______ the friend fish tastes! 将句子合成定语从句1.The little girl was crying on the street.Her money had been stolen.2.The student didn’t agree with us.The student was standing under the tree. 3.Where is the man? The man talked with you just now.4.The watch is very nic Fred likes fish very much.One day ,he buys some fish and takes it home.His son sees the fish and says tohimself ,“Very goodI can ask my friends to have for lunch.” The next day(第二天),Fred comes home in the evening.The fish isn’t th The fish t( )good,I like it. the fish t _____ verty nice. 根据首字母填空,Sam likes fish very much.He often buys fish in the supermarket and takes it home .But when his wife sees the fish,she often t ___,Good I ask my f____ to have lunch and we can eat the fish ,They like fish ,too. Mrs White doesn’t like fish at all,but Mr White likes to buy some fish and takes it home.Mrs White sees the fish and she thinks.“Good!I’ll ask my friends to have lunch and we can have the fish.They like fish very much.”     The fish is very delicious!(改为感叹句)_____ _____ the fish is! my english teacher often help me.she is very nic. The fish is very good for o____ brain.首字母填空 the girl doesn't like fish at __.“——”上该填什么?不是“all”。是把The girl likes fish very much.改成否定句。是我们老师批改的。 THE FISH 和 FISH