几个高二英语完成句子~we should consider what use ___(能利用)such a book All flights _____(被取消)because of the snowstorm,many passengers could do nothing but take the train (cancel) 答案是“having been canceled”为什么要用

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 17:21:43

几个高二英语完成句子~we should consider what use ___(能利用)such a book All flights _____(被取消)because of the snowstorm,many passengers could do nothing but take the train (cancel) 答案是“having been canceled”为什么要用
we should consider what use ___(能利用)such a book
All flights _____(被取消)because of the snowstorm,many passengers could do nothing but take the train (cancel) 答案是“having been canceled”为什么要用完成时啊
______(排队等了半个小时),the old man suddenly realized hr had left the cheque in the car.(wait)答案是“Waiting in the queue for half an hour”为什么不用“Having been waiting?”

几个高二英语完成句子~we should consider what use ___(能利用)such a book All flights _____(被取消)because of the snowstorm,many passengers could do nothing but take the train (cancel) 答案是“having been canceled”为什么要用
不知道这是不是针对课本中某一课的题?如果是,用的是这一课的语法.因为第二题的答案不唯一,可以是:were canceled.第三题:从语言感觉上Having been waiting有表示原因的意思,但它不和后面的句子构成因果关系.

1take advantage of

1.Referred to as 2.was accused of theft 3.brought up by his aunt 4.on condition that you return it to me 5.Trying to persuade him is a