
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:05:58


Complete new appraisal of the Post-80's generation
The tragic Wenchuan quake not only shook the earth,but presented a severe test for the Chinese and the entire country.During the massive tremors,the government's administrative level and its response and actions to breaking events,coupled with human nature and the national spirit,had survived a terrible ordeal.To our great delight,the Chinese people stood the tough test.In addition,the powerful quake shook our prejudice against China's Post-80's generation – the only-child generation born in and after the1980s.
The Post-80s generation has long been branded as spoiled,egotistical,aloof and rebellious.It used to be a troubled generation,brought up in a mixed atmosphere where hot competition for higher grade coexisted with unprecedented physical comforts.Fully exposed to commercialized society,they are so accustomed to junk food,the Internet,and all kinds of conveniences that they tend to refrain from pursuing all the classics cherished by their forefathers.As the only-child in the family,they have been referred to as the "sun" in the family:at the center,well-fed and over-protected.
However,in the aftermath of the quake,it was the generation born and bred in "a luxurious and material age" that headed to the frontline of the quake zone,pioneering rescue missions in the hardest-hit areas.The will power,perseverance,professionalism,and commitment these young people displayed in their life-and-death fight against disaster have greatly impressed their seniors; and won over nationwide support and respect.Facing the calamity,they united as one and forged a special and strong army of the Post-80s.
These young people,ranging from 18 to 28 years,all born in or after the 1980s,make up the military,the armed police forces and engineering troops; and in response to the call for rescue at any cost,they sacrificed and braved hardships during the rescue operations in the worst-hit areas where aftershocks and landslides constantly struck.If no equipment was at their disposal,they would dig by hand,trawling through the rubble for life.If the mudslides blocked or damaged the road,they would tear the obstacle away to open up a green channel for life; and would take the trouble and risk to locate those trapped in debris far beyond the "golden rescue time limit" (72 hours).They would carry those dying on their backs,working their way for miles to a rescue station."Life above all else" has become an unwavering belief amid these young people who were assumed to "suspect all."
The volunteers,also mainly from the post-80s,united through communications on the Internet immediately after the shock – many quit jobs and closed down business to rush to disaster-hit areas to join rescue and relief work without any hesitation.The young faces have also shown up among the medical staff and in the long queues to make donations.
Still more touching are those born after the 1980s – the children who narrowly escaped death – who experienced a passing moment of life and death; and who bear the same label now:children in quake-ravaged areas."Uncle,please,save my classmate first," "Please,hold on; don't fall asleep," "I'll sing a song for you,please don't sleep"---all the children's conversations took place in a depth of debris from a collapsed school building and struck people around the world much more than the earthquake itself.
As a matter of fact,it is not a coincidence that the young generation would bring home the virtues of "great compassion,benevolence,and gallantness," as enlightened in Chinese traditional culture.By fully enjoying the achievement of China's 30 years of reform and opening up,the Post-80s take more advantages over any other previous generation.Compared with their fathers' generation,they are more well-bred,better educated and well-informed.With the assistance of the latest know-how,they have opened up a broader vision of the world,and created more access to the true essence of human civilization.
The Post-80s generation has already gone through pain and hardship,and are no longer delicate flowers needing tending in the green house.Through them,the flame of the fine and glorious Chinese culture will be relayed on from generation to generation.