用“make”造个有水平的句子 谢了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 08:53:38

用“make”造个有水平的句子 谢了
用“make”造个有水平的句子 谢了

用“make”造个有水平的句子 谢了
① Like skin cells,when they divide,they only make more skin cells.
② Anyone who wants to make a backup of their music or software is legally fine.

Don't make me!

Make youself relaxed.
I have to make up my mind on that matter.

If I had the time, I 'd make something better.

What makes life dreary is the want of motive
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, ...


What makes life dreary is the want of motive
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them。
One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team


Your question makes me unpleasent.

You made it.

用“make”造个有水平的句子 谢了 大哥哥大姐姐帮忙造2个英语句子用make sb +adj 和make sb do sth 各造3个句子,写汉语,要初一水平的 用visit造句..初中水平的句子! 单词造句(别太难了也别他简单,初中水平的句子就行)take away.flower.make a living .injured.main.mistake.agree.bet.careless.dynasty.captial.coin.common.golb.raise.several.by the way.extra.anyone. 用make sth done造句请用用make sth done造2个句子,不同的! 用make a face 可以造什么长的句子? 用make a decision造个简单的英文句子 谁能帮我用make sb+形容词和make sb do sth 各写两个句子不要太简单了 谁能帮我用make sb+形容词和make sb do sth 各写两个句子不要太简单了 那位高人帮忙翻译下英语句子,谢谢了! eeENJOY上个句子翻译的不太好,是make measures figure out他们用...那位高人帮忙翻译下英语句子,谢谢了!eeENJOY上个句子翻译的不太好,是make measuresfigure out他们 make a point 的意思make a point在句子末,可不可以理解为出了个主义?提出了个主意(前面打错了) make sure 的用法如果只用make sure,则句子是Please make sure the speakers work tomorrow.这里的时态是用一般现在时表将来.如果加了should ,那么此句是不是改成You should make sure that the speakers will work tomorrow. 他的即兴发言给我们留下了深刻的印象.(make an impression on) 注:用括号里的短语翻译成英语句子! 用make it possible造四个句子! 【高中英语】这些短语用英语怎么造句?用下列短语造英语句子 不要太长 通俗易懂的简单的那种 高中水平的句子1、make one's way(前进)2、in the way (妨碍)3、out of the way (偏僻的)4、in a/some way ( 含有数量词的文言文一两句就行了 要低于初二水平的文言文句子 翻译句子:昨天,我们对三位经验丰富的教师的讲课进行了录制.(make a recording of) 造几个简单的句子用Will造5个句子. 只要初二水平蛤. 马上..!