为什么find 造的句子后面要省去is?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:47:03

为什么find 造的句子后面要省去is?
为什么find 造的句子后面要省去is?

为什么find 造的句子后面要省去is?
1. 用作及物动词,主要用于下列句型:
(1) 后接名词或代词.如:
Where did you find it?
You’d better try and find another job.
You’ll find the answers at the back of the book.
(2) 后接复合结构 (名词的复合结构、形容词的复合结构、现在分词的复合结构、过去分词的复合结构、不定式的复合结构等等) .如:
We find the story (to be) very interesting.
I found the boy hiding behind the door.
He found the city much changed.
I didn’t find her an easy woman to workwith.
【注意】后接不定式的复合结构时,主要是 to be, 偶尔可见 to do型.另外有时也接带先行词 it 的复合结构.如:
He found it hard tofinish the work in time.
(3) 后接that-后接从句.如:
Now he found that he could relax a little.
Newton found that all masses attract each other.
He found that she was a cheat. =He foundher to be a cheat.
(4) 可以带双宾语,双宾语交换位置时用介词for.如:
Please find memy key. =Please find my key for me.
We found him a good teacher.
我们发现他是位好老师 (我们发现他是位好老师复合宾语,=We found that he was a good teacher).
We found him a good job.
我们为他找了份好工作 (双宾语,=We found a goodjob for him).
2. 用于find oneself, 表示“发现自己 (处于某种状态)”或“不知不觉或突然…”.如:Suddenly I found myself face to face withthe man.
He returnedto England to find himself famous.
3. 注意区别 find 与find out:
前者指偶然地“发现”、或通过实验而“发现”、或通过寻找而“找到”等 (参见以上各例);而后者则指通过调查或观察询问等而“查明情况或事实真相” .如:
We must find out the truth of the matter.
我们必须查明事实真相.Wemust find out where he lives.
有时find out中的out可以省略.如:
Please find (out) what timethey are coming.
4. 是终止性动词,一般不与一段时间连用.如:
I found it a long time ago. 这个东西我找到很久了.

find sb/sth ..省去is后是一个Vt加复合宾语的结构。完整的则是把find 后的内容看成是一个宾语从句。

这是一个固定搭配find+ something+ adj.


为什么find 造的句子后面要省去is? comparing with comparingComparing his room,I find my room is even smalle.为什么不用comparing with his room,with要省去呢?是不是没有comparing with 这个搭配? The boy's face is like his father's.既然已经有了Be 动词is了,那为什么还用动词like呢?一句话不是只能有一个动词吗?还有Father's的后面不缺成分吗,为什么要省去呢?有什么规矩吗?Father's的后面是不是省 all that we can do is to do sth.不是缺谓语吗?that we can do 做all的定语,如果省去定语就是all is to do sth,is to do 是非谓语,请问这个句子为什么正确? 关于 I find it adj to I find it adj to do sth为什么不说I find it is adj to do sth?将后面作为一个宾语从句?我觉得这样也说得过去呀.也有I think it is adj to do sth的说法啊,我觉得两个句子差不多啊,为什么 英语句子结构不明白1.in some countries,peopel there regard swans as a symbol of good luck.为什么要加一个there呢?它在这里充当的什么成分?可以省去吗?2.have been 后面只能加doing形式吗? it作形式宾语I find it hard to get along with herI find it is hard to get along with her第二种对吗可以吗?为什么会省去is? I often help my parents do some housework这个句子do后面为什么会有some?some有什么用呢?可以省去吗?说清楚点~ child as he is,为什么前面省去了限定词a it 做形式宾语,不太明白 为什么后面不加is?以下面句子为例,我总想在it 后面加个is,希望有大侠过来讲一下为什不加is,然后实际各部分的成分是什么,相当于不加it的句子是什么?think/ find/ feel/ co In times of trouble many find sanctuary in religion..我认为这个句子属于状语提前的倒装句,为什么find 会在many后面,而不是在前面? 英语句子结构.为什么the service 后面直接加 you provide呢?I am completely disappointed to find that the service you provide is far from satisfactory. 英语翻译这个句子省去的虚拟条件从句是什么? My home is two kilometers away from here.这里的away from 是什么词,from 遇见here为什么不省去 英语句子疑惑The studebts decided to do_____ they can to help the poor old man.A,what B,which C,that 这个地方为什么只能填what?they can 后面是不是省略了动词?为什么能省去呢?麻烦分析do后面的宾语从句 When you feel that the world outside is so splendid,I will be here wishing you well with all my heart.when后面的that可以省去么? 94063506000省略万位后面的尾数约(),省去千万位后面的尾数是(),省去亿位后面的尾数是() I find that it difficult to find a job ,那个 it 后面要不要加is