求位大神改正以下句子并说明错在哪里了,如果可以的话,The little old lady has a great dog,its name is Lou-Lou .The Little old lady fall down with the accident.Then,Lou-Lou been took to a train.Soon,it met its new master ,that's a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 20:38:48

求位大神改正以下句子并说明错在哪里了,如果可以的话,The little old lady has a great dog,its name is Lou-Lou .The Little old lady fall down with the accident.Then,Lou-Lou been took to a train.Soon,it met its new master ,that's a
The little old lady has a great dog,its name is Lou-Lou .The Little old lady fall down with the accident.Then,Lou-Lou been took to a train.Soon,it met its new master ,that's a young lady.Final,it met its old master.

求位大神改正以下句子并说明错在哪里了,如果可以的话,The little old lady has a great dog,its name is Lou-Lou .The Little old lady fall down with the accident.Then,Lou-Lou been took to a train.Soon,it met its new master ,that's a
看了两遍完全不知道这句话是不是要表明= =这只狗的前主人在一场事故中摔倒了,然后它坐了个火车,很快见到了新的主人.不过你这最后一句完全不明白啥意思,可以先说明一下意思再修改吗?
还有old lady已经可以了,不太明白加little的含义,一般都是意指小孩子,或者小动物上以little修饰.当然如果另有它意当我说错.
fall down里的fall不是过去式,但是下一句说狗搭乘火车又是过去时,应该是统一吧.
她如果是在这场意外中摔倒的,应该用in 不是with,没有with的说法.
应该是take a train吧 它是去坐火车吧,

求位大神改正以下句子并说明错在哪里了,如果可以的话,The little old lady has a great dog,its name is Lou-Lou .The Little old lady fall down with the accident.Then,Lou-Lou been took to a train.Soon,it met its new master ,that's a 以下化学方程式错在哪里,并予以改正 哪里错了,求改正. 句子中那个错了?并改正 I have many pencils than you.哪错了?请详细说明哪里有错,并帮我改正,谢谢~~~ we are going to leave this afternoon.哪错了?请详细说明哪里错了,应该在哪里改正, danny goes to schooi yesterday 哪里错了,并改正 This is a Library.哪里错了并改正 How big is your hands?哪里错了并改正 She look active.哪里错了 并改正 Let‘s to go and see our maths teacher这句子哪里错了、找出来、并改正. It's+a+interesting+game错在哪里,并改正 错了并改正 以下的英语句子哪里错了?并改正1.In this week,I did a lot of things.哪个单词错了?并说出正确的2.On Monday,I went to the club to play the chess with my classmates.哪个单词错了?并说出正确的3.What a terrible is it!哪 这个句子错几处,错在哪里,并改了 下列英语句子中哪里错了,并改正It will is all right.A.It B.is C.right 改正:There are a pen and many books here.A.are B.many C.here 改正: 病句经调查,某社区18岁以下青少年吸烟人数前年高达120人.错在哪里?经调查,某社区18岁以下青少年吸烟人数前年高达120人,经过广泛宣传教育,今年已下降到60人,正减少一倍.请改正并说明原因 我改正了错误,接受了批评.错在哪里?