《坦白》无数个夜晚任性的被你宠坏我曾想就这样耍赖如今默默呼吸孤单失去了什么 还剩下什么 不再等待面对你慷慨无节制的爱我该不该勇敢的离开对自己坦白 爱狠狠的还在找朋友陪伴 都

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 10:23:40

《坦白》无数个夜晚任性的被你宠坏我曾想就这样耍赖如今默默呼吸孤单失去了什么 还剩下什么 不再等待面对你慷慨无节制的爱我该不该勇敢的离开对自己坦白 爱狠狠的还在找朋友陪伴 都
失去了什么 还剩下什么 不再等待
对自己坦白 爱狠狠的还在
找朋友陪伴 都抵不过你一半
泪在眼里打转 爱已变成黑白
对彼此坦白 我们真的失败
背叛不是意外 就算承诺不再
新欢成了旧爱 爱的没了姿态
我会释怀 让时间把一切都冲淡

《坦白》无数个夜晚任性的被你宠坏我曾想就这样耍赖如今默默呼吸孤单失去了什么 还剩下什么 不再等待面对你慷慨无节制的爱我该不该勇敢的离开对自己坦白 爱狠狠的还在找朋友陪伴 都
The innumerable night willful are spoiled by you
I once to want on to act shamelessly the present
to breathe silently like this lose
any to be also left over lonelily any no longer to wait for
generous intemperate likes me facing
you being supposed brave departure
to like to oneself maliciously also in asking
the friend honestly to accompany all arrives at a your half
tear to spin in the eye the love to turn black and white
cannot find the answer not to think the rumor control
confesses our real defeat to each other
to betray was not the accident pledged no longer
the new joy became the old love to like the posture
I not being able to get over an emotion lets the time dilute all
lets it dilute
At night be innumerable self-willed I am spoiled by you once thought that breath is now silently lonly acting shamelessly like this I the love what to have lost what to be left waiting to face you there being no an abstinence generously no longer being the brave departure's turn or not Candid love is fierce to self as early as looking for a friend accompany be equal to but your one half tears love already becomes right and wrong in revolving in self's eyes being unable to find an answer thinking that falsehood governs neither My meeting Buddhism thinks of the attitude failing to confessing each other we are true to betray fault even if the accident having promised that the new sweetheart has become old loving have disappeared no longer let time all be diluted being diluted right away by it

Countless nights wayward spoiled by you
I wanted to so shamelessly
Now quietly breathing alone
What is lost, what is left is no longer waiting for
The face of unrestrained love for you...


Countless nights wayward spoiled by you
I wanted to so shamelessly
Now quietly breathing alone
What is lost, what is left is no longer waiting for
The face of unrestrained love for your generosity
Should I leave the brave
Frank love of their own bitter still
To find a friend to accompany you have arrived, but half of the
Tears in the eyes of the spin has become a black and white love
Can not find the answer do not want to lie to dominate
Frankly we are really failures of each other's
Even if the promise not to betray an unexpected
Old love new love has become not a gesture of love
I will be relieved of time in order to dilute everything
Just let it dilute the



Countless nights wayward spoiled by you
I wanted to so shamelessly
Now quietly breathing alone
What is lost, what is left is no longer waiting for
The face of unrestrained love ...


Countless nights wayward spoiled by you
I wanted to so shamelessly
Now quietly breathing alone
What is lost, what is left is no longer waiting for
The face of unrestrained love for your generosity
Should I leave the brave
Frank love of their own bitter still
To find a friend to accompany you have arrived, but half of the
Tears in the eyes of the spin has become a black and white love
Can not find the answer do not want to lie to dominate
Frankly we are really failures of each other's
Even if the promise not to betray an unexpected
Old love new love has become not a gesture of love
I will be relieved of time in order to dilute everything
Just let it dilute the



《坦白》无数个夜晚任性的被你宠坏我曾想就这样耍赖如今默默呼吸孤单失去了什么 还剩下什么 不再等待面对你慷慨无节制的爱我该不该勇敢的离开对自己坦白 爱狠狠的还在找朋友陪伴 都 ‘在你不在我身边的日子,我离开了无数个想你的夜晚’是什么意思? 求顾城 《我是一个任性的孩子》英文版我是一个任性的孩子 也许 我是被妈妈宠坏的孩子 我任性 我希望 每一个时刻 都像彩色蜡笔那样美丽 我希望 能在心爱的白纸上画画 画出笨拙的自由 关联词合成一句话. 1、我是个被宠坏了的公主.我有一股子狠劲儿.2、明天下雨.明天我们不去游玩了. 3、你仔细观察.你能写出生动的文章来. 什么是大小姐脾气?我男朋友老说我有大小姐脾气...我不懂啊..我没怎么样啊!他为什么说我有大小姐脾气啊?或许是在家里被哥哥姐姐爸爸妈妈宠坏了把.--!我任性的和他提了分手..之后我去找 你的任性我不能接受 帮忙翻译成英语 如果你对父母撒了个弥天大谎,你会选择向他们坦白还是继续隐瞒?隐瞒是痛苦而矛盾的,但坦白就意味着暴风雨的来临.如果坦白,以什么方式,什么情形下说才不会太糟呢? 英语翻译以一种孤单的方式思念......一切不过是我的影子 思念是我唯一的声音.无数个夜晚 你引我从此岸渡向彼岸 然而今夜 我被淹没在波涛汹涌里 抑郁--寂寞--很想念! 居里夫人没有被盛名宠坏的原因是?居里夫人没有被盛名宠坏的原因是什么? 居里夫人是唯一没有被盛名宠坏的人,宠坏是什么意思? 英语翻译别拿你的任性挑战我的个性~你输定了!我罚你 爱我一辈子~别拿你的任性挑战我的个性~你输定了!我罚你 爱我一辈子! 坦白的意思是个词语 请速速理解. 英语翻译我给你写这封信是因为我有一些难以启齿的事想要和你坦白.(求翻译得真诚一点,一定要突出难以启齿的这个意思来!然后不要用tell来代替坦白这个词语哦) 请原谅我的任性,英语怎么说 著名科学家爱因斯坦说居里夫人是唯一没有被盛名宠坏的人,这里被盛名宠坏是指什么? 抱歉,原谅我的任性,这次我不会再听你的话,因为你没资格.这句话用英语怎么说 你依然是我的朋友是我太任性了用英语怎么说对不起,是我太任性了,你依然是我的朋友!请问用英语怎么说! 任性近义词10个