
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 13:31:54


1.the occurrence of a change for the worse
2.loss of military equipment
3.the act of damaging something or someone
4.the amount of money needed to purchase something
(how much is the damage?)
5.any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right
inflict damage upon
(The snow damaged the roof She damaged the car when she hit
the tree)

To damage an object means to break it, spoil it physically, or stop it from working properly.

1[UNCOUNTABLE] physical harm caused to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured
Mr Charlton surveyed the damage caused by the bulldozer.
damage to: Damage to the building could take...


1[UNCOUNTABLE] physical harm caused to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured
Mr Charlton surveyed the damage caused by the bulldozer.
damage to: Damage to the building could take six months to repair.
do damage: No damage had been done, and we pushed the van back onto the road.
suffer damage: The house suffered only superficial damage in the fire.
serious/severe/extensive damage: A fire had caused serious damage to their flat.
permanent/irreparable/irreversible damage: Mining in the area was doing irreparable damage to the environment.
brain/liver/nerve damage: a new drug to treat nerve damage
storm/flood/fire/bomb damage (=damage caused by a storm, fire etc): Experts have been assessing the level of flood damage.
2[UNCOUNTABLE] emotional or mental harm caused to someone
Many traumatic events may be overcome without lasting damage.
3[UNCOUNTABLE] negative effects on someone or something
damage to: The damage to the bank's image is extremely serious.
untold damage (=damage that is impossible to measure): The revelations caused untold damage to his political reputation.
4damages [PLURAL] LEGAL money that a court orders you to pay someone because you have harmed them or their property
Mrs Owen was ordered to pay damages of £6,000.
The jury awarded damages of over $9 million to the victims.
Get it right: damage
When damage means 'harm or injury' it is an uncountable noun, and so:
▪ it is never used in the plural
▪ it never comes after a or a number


noun[U] ~ (to sth) physical harm caused to sth which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable:
serious / severe / extensive / permanent damage ◆ brain / liver damage ◆ smoke / bom...


noun[U] ~ (to sth) physical harm caused to sth which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable:
serious / severe / extensive / permanent damage ◆ brain / liver damage ◆ smoke / bomb / storm damage ◆ The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $6 million. ◆ The storm didn't do much damage. ◆ Let's take a look at the damage. ◆ I insist on paying for the damage. ◆ Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage.
[U] ~ (to sb/sth) harmful effects on sb/sth: emotional damage resulting from divorce ◆ damage to a person's reputation ◆ This could cause serious damage to the country's economy. ◆ I'm going-I've done enough damage here already.

(damages) [pl.] an amount of money that is paid to sb by the person, company, etc. that has caused them harm or injury: He was ordered to pay damages totalling £30 000. ◆ They intend to sue for damages. ◆ Annwas awarded £6 000 (in) damages.

Idioms: what's the damage? (spoken) a way of asking how much sth costs verb

[VN] to harm or spoil sth/sb:
The fire badly damaged the town hall. ◆ Several vehicles were damaged in the crash. ◆ Smoking seriously damages your health. ◆ The allegations are likely to damage his political career. ◆ emotionally damaged children


damage vi. 损害;损毁;赔偿金

  • n. 损害;损毁
  • vt. 损害,毁坏

[ 过去式damaged 过去分词damaged 现在分词damaging ] 




damage vi. 损害;损毁;赔偿金

  • n. 损害;损毁
  • vt. 损害,毁坏

[ 过去式damaged 过去分词damaged 现在分词damaging ] 


"片式电阻" & "片式陶瓷电容" 组件的损害 ( Damage) 是 完全不同的。

损坏(Damage)或有过多的污物(Excessive Filth):房客的责任




1.2损伤的定义及特征 在国际材料与结构实验学会RILEM关于混凝土结构破损分类的推荐草案中, 损伤(Damage)是指结构由于外部力学因素引起的削弱或破损;缺陷(Defect) 是指由于设计、施工错误或材料本身的不完善所引起的结构削弱或破损。


Collateral Damage间接伤害;附带损伤;片;附带损害

Damage control破坏性控制;损害控制; [军]   损害管制;损伤控制

Base Damage初始攻击力;初始攻打力;基础伤害;初始进犯力

fatigue damage疲劳损伤;疲劳损坏;疲劳破坏;疲惫损伤

brain damage脑损伤;脑部损伤;涂鸦杂志;脑残

damage claim损坏索赔;残损索赔;损害索赔;损毁索赔

Bird Damage鸟害

indirect damage间接损害;间接侵害

actual damage实际损坏;实际损失;实际损害

