白求恩的简介,英文的..!急!要求介绍他的早期生活..和他的一些 事迹.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:12:46

白求恩的简介,英文的..!急!要求介绍他的早期生活..和他的一些 事迹.

白求恩的简介,英文的..!急!要求介绍他的早期生活..和他的一些 事迹.
Norman Bethune
Bethune,a national hero in China,was born in Gravenhurst,Ontario,Canada.He was the son of a Presbyterian minister Rev.Malcolm Bethune and his wife Elizabeth.His grandfather,Norman Bethune Sr.was also a noted Canadian physician and co-founder in the 1850s of Trinity College Medical School which was later absorbed by the University of Toronto.Two other ancestors of note were his great grandfather Angus Bethune who rose to become partner in the fur trading North West Company and the grand patriarch of the family,Rev.John Bethune,who came over to North America from Scotland in the 1770s.In North Carolina Rev.John Bethune found that he opposed American independence from Britain.This led to his departure for Canada where as a United Empire Loyalist he founded the first Presbyterian church of Montreal and subsequently of Upper Canada,at Williamstown near Cornwall.
He attended Owen Sound Collegiate in Owen Sound,Ontario,now known as Owen Sound Collegiate And Vocational Institute.He graduated from OSCVI in 1907,four years ahead of William Avery "Billy" Bishop.Both names are inscribed on the School's Great War Memorial.
The young Norman Bethune enrolled at the University of Toronto in September 1909 and then worked for a year as a labourer-teacher with Frontier College.In 1915 he joined the No.2 Field Ambulance in France,where,as a stretcher-bearer,he was hit by shrapnel and spent three months recovering in an English hospital.The injury allowed him to return to Toronto to complete an accelerated medical degree by December 1916.Bethune's first private medical practice was in Detroit,Michigan where he contracted tuberculosis from working with the poor.He sought treatment at the Trudeau Sanatorium in upstate New York,and believing he was dying,insisted upon radical thoracic surgery which saved his life.Recuperated,he joined the famous Edward Archibald at McGill University in Montreal.He perfected his skills in thoracic surgery at the Royal Victoria Hospital where he also taught.Bethune was an early proponent of universal health care,the success of which he observed during a visit to the Soviet Union.As a concerned doctor in Montreal during the dirty thirties,Bethune frequently sought out the poor and gave them free medical care.
Fearing the onslaught of fascism,he travelled to Spain (1936-1937) where he assisted the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and to China (1938-1939),aiding the Chinese in their war with Japan,in both cases performing battlefield surgical operations on war casualties.
Bethune's work in Spain in developing mobile medical units was the model for the later development of Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) units.The need to provide blood transfusions in a battlefield led him to develop the first practical method for transporting blood.In China,he worked with carpenters and blacksmiths to forge new surgical tools,and established training for doctors,nurses and orderlies.He redesigned packing containers to serve as operating tables.He treated wounded Japanese prisoners.
Bethune died on November 12,1939,of blood poisoning from a cut he received when performing surgery,while with the Communist Party of China's Eighth Route Army in the midst of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

International communism renowned thoracic surgery doctor. Canadian Province of 0ntario Gravenhurst town person. Family background pastor Yu family. The youth, has worked as steamboat waite...


International communism renowned thoracic surgery doctor. Canadian Province of 0ntario Gravenhurst town person. Family background pastor Yu family. The youth, has worked as steamboat waiter, lumberjack, primary school teachers, reporter. In 1916 graduated from the University of Toronto medical school, attained bachelor the degree. Once observed and emulated, the practice in European and American some countries, has held the post of captain in England and Canada the military doctor, head of the surgical department. In 1922 enrolls for the English imperial family surgical department medical society member. In 1933 is hired for the Canadian federation and local authority medical department's consultants. In 1935 chooses for the American thoracic surgery academic society members, the director. His thoracic surgery medical skill in Canadian, English and the American medical arena enjoys the great reputation. In November, 1935 joined the Canadian communist party. German, the Italian Fascist supportsFrancoStartsSpanish civil warHe the winter volunteered the Spanish participation antifascist struggle in 1936.
After China Sino-Japanese War eruption, in order to aid Chinese people's liberation enterprise,1,938 years in March, he the Canadian communist party and the American communist party dispatch, leads the medical team which is composed by the Canadian and the American to come to Yenan. In August, no matter what Eighth Route Army 晋察冀 military region health consultant, devotedly devotes in the improvement army's medical practice and the battlefield treats and cures, reduces casualty's mortality rate and 残废率. The military region the field hospital construction is the model hospital, the organization manufactures each kind of medical supplies, teaches the knowledge for the medical personnel, the compilation medical service graphic solution handbook. The proposal has established the special surgical hospital, conducts the medical cadre to practise the week, the acceleration training health cadre. Organizes the battlefield mobile medical team to come in and go out the firing line to save from impending death assists the wounded. In order to reduce casualty's pain and the death, he is located in the surgery table to the firing line recent place. At the end of November, leads the medical team to carry on the battlefield to the Shanxi wild goose north to treat and cure, two day and nights undergo 71 times of surgeries continuously. In February, 1939, led 18 people "the eastern expedition medical team" to treat and cure the casualty to 冀中 the front, did not give a thought to the Japanese forces fire to threaten, the continuous working 69 hours, have undergone the surgery for 115 casualties. Once, when some casualty urgently needs the blood transfusion, he gives blood on own initiative 300 milliliters. He also proposed established and participated in the wish blood transfusion team. Some casualties disperse in the guerrilla area occupy in the common people, he and the medical team brave the danger to go for them to undergo the surgery. In 4 months, the travelling schedule 1,500 miles, make surgery 315, builds the operating room and wraps up 13, treats and cures casualty more than 1,000. In order to adapt to the war circumstances, the convenient battlefield treats and cures, the composition mobile hospital, the organization manufactured the medicine to pack, might install undergoes 100 times of surgeries, trades 500 times of medicines and compounds the complete medical instrument and the drugs which 500 prescriptions used, is called "the Lugouqiao medicine to pack"; Manufactured has traded the medicine basket, is called "Bethune to trade the medicine basket". At the beginning of July, returns to the Hebei Xishan participation military region health institution the organization leadership work. The proposition sets up the hygienic store depot, has solved the problem which the drugs is insufficient; The origination health school, has trained large quantities of medical cadre; Has compiled "In Guerrilla warfare Teacher Field hospital Organization And Technology", "Battlefield Rescues Notice", "Battlefield Treatment Technology", "Model Hospital Constitutive law" and so on the many kinds of battlefields medical service teaching material. Also own Acre the Si X-ray machine, the microscope, set of surgeries instruments and one batch of drugs donations gives the military region health school.
Late October, rescues the casualty when the Laiyuan County high peak fight the left middle finger is sheared by the scalpel broken, latter undergoes when the surgery for a surgical department infectious disease casualty receives infects, still did not give a thought to the grief, firmly requested the battlefield to rescue. He said that, "You do not take me to work as the antique, must take me to work as a machine gun use." Immediately with medical team to front. Finally because the wounds condition worsens, transfers the septicaemia, fails to respond to medical treatment, before dawn passed away on November 12 in the Hebei Province Tang county Huang Shih mouth village. On 17th, 晋察冀 the border area the Party, the government and the armies leading body and the station populace have held the grand funeral for him. On December 1, Yenan from all walks of life hold memorial service,Mao ZedongWrote has pulled the word, and wrote on December 21 "Has commemorated Bethune" an article, summoned the Chinese communist party members studied his internationalism to be energetic and the communism spirit. In April, 1940, has built the Bethune grave in Hebei Province Tang county armed forces city South Gate. 晋察冀 the military region decided names separately the military region health school and the model hospital as the Bethune health school and the Bethune international peace hospital. In 1952, Bethune's coffin containing a corpse moved into the Shijiazhuang martyrs' cemetery.
中国抗日战争爆发后,为了援助中国人民的解放事业,1938年3月,他受加拿大共产党和美国共产党派遣,率领一个由加拿大人和美国人组成的医疗队来到延安。8月,任八路军晋察冀军区卫生顾问,悉心致力于改进部队的医疗工作和战地救治,降低伤员的死亡率和残废率。把军区后方医院建设为模范医院,组织制作各种医疗器材,给医务人员传授知识,编写医疗图解手册。倡议成立了特种外科医院,举办医务干部实习周,加速训练卫生干部。组织战地流动医疗队出入火线救死扶伤。为减少伤员的痛苦和死亡,他把手术台设在离火线最近的地方。11月底,率医疗队到山西雁北进行战地救治,两昼夜连续做71次手术。1939年2月,率18人的“东征医疗队”到冀中前线救治伤员,不顾日军炮火威胁,连续工作69小时,给115名伤员做了手术。有一次,当某伤员急需输血时,他主动献血 300毫升。他还倡议成立并参加了志愿输血队。有些伤员分散在游击区居民家里,他和医疗队冒着危险去为他们做手术。4个月里,行程1500余里,做手术 315次,建立手术室和包扎所13处,救治伤员1000多名。为了适应战争环境,方便战地救治,组成流动医院,组织制作了药驮子,可装做100次手术、换500次药和配制500个处方所用的全部医疗器械和药品,被称为“卢沟桥药驮子”;制作了换药篮,被称为“白求恩换药篮”。7月初,回到冀西山地参加军区卫生机关的组织领导工作。提议开办卫生材料厂,解决了药品不足的问题;创办卫生学校,培养了大批医务干部;编写了《游击战争中师野战医院的组织和技术》、《战地救护须知》、《战场治疗技术》、《模范医院组织法》等多种战地医疗教材。还将自己的爱克斯光机、显微镜、一套手术器械和一批药品捐赠给军区卫生学校。


Bethune, a national hero in China, was born in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. He was the son of a Presbyterian minister Rev. Malcolm Bethune and his wife Elizabeth. His grandfather, Norman Bethune Sr. ...


Bethune, a national hero in China, was born in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. He was the son of a Presbyterian minister Rev. Malcolm Bethune and his wife Elizabeth. His grandfather, Norman Bethune Sr. was also a noted Canadian physician and co-founder in the 1850s of Trinity College Medical School which was later absorbed by the University of Toronto. Two other ancestors of note were his great grandfather Angus Bethune who rose to become partner in the fur trading North West Company and the grand patriarch of the family, Rev. John Bethune, who came over to North America from Scotland in the 1770s. In North Carolina Rev. John Bethune found that he opposed American independence from Britain. This led to his departure for Canada where as a United Empire Loyalist he founded the first Presbyterian church of Montreal and subsequently of Upper Canada, at Williamstown near Cornwall.
He attended Owen Sound Collegiate in Owen Sound, Ontario, now known as Owen Sound Collegiate And Vocational Institute. He graduated from OSCVI in 1907, four years ahead of William Avery "Billy" Bishop. Both names are inscribed on the School's Great War Memorial.
The young Norman Bethune enrolled at the University of Toronto in September 1909 and then worked for a year as a labourer-teacher with Frontier College. In 1915 he joined the No.2 Field Ambulance in France, where, as a stretcher-bearer, he was hit by shrapnel and spent three months recovering in an English hospital. The injury allowed him to return to Toronto to complete an accelerated medical degree by December 1916. Bethune's first private medical practice was in Detroit, Michigan where he contracted tuberculosis from working with the poor. He sought treatment at the Trudeau Sanatorium in upstate New York, and believing he was dying, insisted upon radical thoracic surgery which saved his life. Recuperated, he joined the famous Edward Archibald at McGill University in Montreal. He perfected his skills in thoracic surgery at the Royal Victoria Hospital where he also taught. Bethune was an early proponent of universal health care, the success of which he observed during a visit to the Soviet Union. As a concerned doctor in Montreal during the dirty thirties, Bethune frequently sought out the poor and gave them free medical care.
Fearing the onslaught of fascism, he travelled to Spain (1936-1937) where he assisted the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and to China (1938-1939), aiding the Chinese in their war with Japan, in both cases performing battlefield surgical operations on war casualties.
Bethune's work in Spain in developing mobile medical units was the model for the later development of Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) units. The need to provide blood transfusions in a battlefield led him to develop the first practical method for transporting blood. In China, he worked with carpenters and blacksmiths to forge new surgical tools, and established training for doctors, nurses and orderlies. He redesigned packing containers to serve as operating tables.[1] He treated wounded Japanese prisoners.[2]
Bethune died on November 12, 1939, of blood poisoning from a cut he received when performing surgery, while with the Communist Party of China's Eighth Route Army in the midst of the Second Sino-Japanese War.
