
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:11:27


To whom it may concern:
I am a Head of the Department where this student studies.Since 2007,this student left me a deeper impression during the school days.This student had a strong desire of learning relating to this course and determined to contribute his/ her ability to the global environment.Due to this clear learning goal,he/ she studied hard during the school days,gained excellent results of his/ her degree and had a better ability of understanding knowledge.He/ she was an intellectual lover and a student with a good ability of studying.Furthermore,he/she loves the life,has a good physical ability and especially stands out in the area of music and art.

I was the Head of the Department of Health where, from the school since 2007, the student in school left me a deep impressionThe students in this discipline have a strong, desire to learn, determined ...


I was the Head of the Department of Health where, from the school since 2007, the student in school left me a deep impressionThe students in this discipline have a strong, desire to learn, determined to contribute to a global environment, because learning objectives clear, so study hard in school, outstanding professional achievements, knowledge, understanding ability, a love of mental and physical ability to learn strong students.Love life, strong hands, in music production and other aspects of art in particular.


I am the student department, the dean of admission from, the student during the period of school since left me a deep impression
This was born in this discipline has a strong desire to learn, for...


I am the student department, the dean of admission from, the student during the period of school since left me a deep impression
This was born in this discipline has a strong desire to learn, for the earth environment, contribute strength, because study on purpose, so during the period of school study hard, professional result is outstanding, understanding of knowledge, and a strong ability is a love brain learning ability of the students.
Love life, hands ability, and good in music art production, especially prominent.


英语翻译我是该生所在系的系主任,从07年入学以来,该生在校期间留给了我一个深刻的印象该生在本学科有强烈,学习愿望,立志为地球环境贡献一份力量,正因为学习目的明确,因此在 信息管理系系主任英语怎么说? 心理学统计的习题、1、据称某大学学生每期每门功课平均旷课3.4节.某系主任随机抽取该系100名学生的旷课情况,发现平均旷课2.8节,标准差为1.5.试问该系主任能否推翻平均旷课3.4节的结论?2、 英语翻译1.职位:国际贸易系主任2.地址:重庆交通大学明德楼329办公室3.日期:2008年4月3日4.教授:谢水清、李根麻烦把上面的翻译成标准的英语, 英语翻译1、阅读中你将遇到许多你熟悉的但不知道如何使用的单词.(familiar)2、这种型号的计算机的价格在5000元至7000之间不等.(range)3、由于Tom从老师被提拔为英语系主任,他的一家去度假庆贺 我是说春秋五霸所在的国家 英语翻译我是学电子的,但无甚兴趣,想当一名英语类翻译,却不知道该从哪里做起, 英语翻译:我是怎么从男生变成女生的. 英语翻译 快.. 我是从下往上写的.. 英语翻译南丹县金山铟锗冶金化工有限公司我所在公司的名称,该如何翻译,请专家大侠指教, 我是一个刚刚从小学转到初中的教师,我如何能教好这门课,该从何下手? be on the dean's listdean是系主任的意思吗? 用英语翻译 音乐的魅力所在 英语翻译特别是routine 所在的短语, 经济系主任英语怎么说 “英语系系主任”英语怎么说 英语翻译我是河北的理科生 2012年奥运会在哪个大洲举行?说出该洲所在半球及濒临的大洋.