请专家看看有没有语病或错误的地方!the piay may begin at moent ,the writer hurried to the ticketoffice ,but the ticket sold out ,in a moent ,the man hurried to the ticketoffice return the tickets ,the writer bought for next wendesday ti

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:28:59

请专家看看有没有语病或错误的地方!the piay may begin at moent ,the writer hurried to the ticketoffice ,but the ticket sold out ,in a moent ,the man hurried to the ticketoffice return the tickets ,the writer bought for next wendesday ti
the piay may begin at moent ,the writer hurried to the ticketoffice
,but the ticket sold out ,in a moent ,the man hurried to the ticketoffice return the tickets ,the writer bought for next wendesday tickes ,she is sadly.

请专家看看有没有语病或错误的地方!the piay may begin at moent ,the writer hurried to the ticketoffice ,but the ticket sold out ,in a moent ,the man hurried to the ticketoffice return the tickets ,the writer bought for next wendesday ti
The play might begin in a moment.A writer hurried to the ticketoffice,
but the tickets were sold out. At the moment ,a man hurried to the ticketoffice to return the tickets.The writer bought a ticket for next Wendesday. She was sad.
at the moment是在此时的意思,in a moment是马上的意思


the play may begin in a moment ,the writer hurried to the ticket office
,but the tickets were sold out ,at that moment ,the man hurried to the ticket office and returned the tickets ,the writer bought for next wendnesday's ticket ,she is sad

The play is about to begin, the writter goes to the ticket office in a hurry,but the tickets had been sold out, at the same time, a man comes in and refundes the ticket hurriedly,the writer buys the very ticket and it is for next wendesday,she is sad.

piay - play
may - might
at moent - at the moment
the ticket sold out -the ticket was sold out
in a moent -in the moment
the man - a man
return the tickets - to refund the ticket
the writer bought for next wendesday tickes 什么意思啊?
she was sad

请专家看看有没有语病或错误的地方!the piay may begin at moent ,the writer hurried to the ticketoffice ,but the ticket sold out ,in a moent ,the man hurried to the ticketoffice return the tickets ,the writer bought for next wendesday ti 下面的文章有没有语病,请大家帮我看看有语病的话就在图片上修改或总结后回答 没有就回答没有 请帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错误的地方 帮忙修改英文演讲稿请英语好的帮忙修改一下看看有没有错误的地方,如果可以, 【请各位大侠们帮忙看看下面这段英语翻译的有没有错误谢谢】【注:请帮忙看看这段翻译里面有没有什么语法错误或者用的不好的地方或用词错误,麻烦给改正下,谢谢了】汉语:不可否认, 看看有没有英语语病! 下列 没有语病或标点错误的 这算是有歧义吗? 有没有错误的地方 I cover the distance in five minutes when I go to school.这句话有语病吗?有语病的话指出错误的地方并改正全句 Simple is the best 有没有语病?如果有错误的话,请改正,并说出理由,感激不尽了 ... 帮忙看看下面图中的英语有没有错误的地方~ 看看这个句子有没有错误.you is to me what the sky to birds and the water to fish .有没有什么错误或者是不恰当的地方?比如the ,要不要添或者删?还望指教. 看看有没有错误 看看有没有错误. 请帮我看看这句话有没有语病?怎么分析的?大众卡老资费只能通过短信办理方式带号转为大众卡新资费.发短信办理不成功的或不太会发短信的用户,请到营业厅办理! 自我介绍 英文 把我看看有没有语病 英语短文,请高手们帮我看看语法有没有错误地方这是一篇是我自己写的简单自我介绍,请高手们帮我看看语法有没有错误地方,Good evening everybody.Allow me to introduce myself.I'm from Guangzhou.My name is Xuj 请看看这个句子是否有语病.这个句子是:如果没有语病(我个人认为没有语病),那么请问“五年级的”在这个句子中是什么成分?