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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:34:18 字数作文


  It′s Sunday.I want to visit a farm.

  These are many horse,cows,dusks and pigs.

  Horse like hay.

  Cow like grass.

  Pigs like corn.

  The animals are lovely.

  There are many flowers and grass.

  The farm is beautiful.I′m happy.










篇一:4AM4U1 知识点 A_visit_to_a_farm

M4U1 A visit to a farm 一次去农场的参观


visit参观;拜访,hay干草,grass草,corn谷物,meat肉,litter乱扔(垃圾),walk走,pick摘;捡,throw扔,stone石头,don’t不要,rubbish垃圾(不可数), bin垃圾箱


1. He has three sheep on his farm.在他的农场上有三只绵羊。

2. Don’t litter. 不要乱扔垃圾。

3. Don’t walk on the grass. 不要在草地上走。

4.Don’t pick flowers.不要摘花。

5. Don’t throw stones.不要扔石头。

6. Please put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.请把垃圾放在垃圾箱里。

7. Now let’s visit the farm.现在让我们参观农场。

8. What do they eat? 它们吃什么? They eat hay.它们吃干草。

9. He feeds the pig with the corn.他用谷物喂养猪。

10. The pig lives in a pen.猪住在围栏里。







2.hay, grass, corn, meat, rubbish(垃圾),都是不可数名词。

3. feed the animals喂养动物;

grow the plants种植植物

4. Don’t litter. (换一种说法) >>>

You can’t litter.

Don’t walk on the grass. (换一种说法) >>>

You can’t walk on the grass.

5. let’s = let us让我们,后面跟动词原形:

Let’s go. Let’s play./ Let’s sing and dance. / Let him sing a song.

6. Take/pay a visit to + 地点, 一次去…的参观

Let’s visit the farm. = Let’s take/pay a visit to the farm.


M4U1 A visit to a farm 一次去农场的参观


visit参观;拜访,hay干草,grass草,corn谷物,meat肉,litter乱扔(垃圾),walk走,pick摘;捡,throw扔,stone石头,don’t不要,rubbish垃圾(不可数), bin垃圾箱


1.On his farm he has three sheep.在他的农场上有三只绵羊。

2. Don’t litter. 不要乱扔垃圾。

3. Don’t walk on the grass. 不要在草地上走。

4.Don’t pick flowers.不要摘花。

5. Don’t throw stones.不要扔石头。

6. Please put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.请把垃圾放在垃圾箱里。

7. Now let’s visit the farm.现在让我们参观农场。

8. What do they eat? 它们吃什么?

9. They eat hay.它们吃干草。

10. He feeds the pig with the corn.他用谷物喂养猪。

11. The pig lives in a pen.猪住在围栏里。

12. It is angry.它生气了。







2.hay, grass, corn, meat, rubbish(垃圾),都是不可数名词。

3. feed the animals喂养动物;

grow the plants种植植物

4. Don’t litter. (换一种说法) >>>

You can’t litter.

Don’t walk on the grass. (换一种说法) >>>

You can’t walk on the grass.

5. let’s = let us让我们,后面跟动词原形:

Let’s go. Let’s play. Let’s sing and dance.

6. take a visit to + 地点, 一次去…的参观

Let’s visit the farm. = Let’s take a visit to the farm.

M4U1 A visit to a farm

I. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms (用所给单词的适当形式填空)


1. Mark is a _____ ( farm ). He works on his _____ ( farm ).

2. How _____ ( many ) is this ice cream?

3. ---______ ( who ) footballs are these? ---They are ______ ( Jim and John ).

4. Here’s ______ ( some ) green grass.

5. My brother Mike ______ ( like ) toy ______ ( plane ).

6. Show ______ ( he ) that picture.

II. Rewrite the following sentences (按要求改写句子,每格一词) 就划线部分提问 )

What ______ sheep ______ to eat?

2. 就划线部分提问 )

How ______ ______ are there in the bag?

3. 就划线部分提问 )

______ Alice?

4. His friend’s name’s 就划线部分提问 )

______ his ______ ______?

5. We’ve got 就划线部分提问 )

What ______ you ______?

III. Read and complete the dialogue(阅读并完成对话)

Tom: Hello, ______.

Jim: Hello, Tom.

Tom: Today is Sunday. Let’s go ______ my uncle’s farm.

Jim: OK. Let’s ______.

Tom: There are many ______ there. They’re sheep, cows horses…Jim: I like horses. I like to _____ the horses.


Tom: That’s great! Let’s ride the horses.

IV. Choose the best answer ( 选择填空 )

( ) 1. They are Kitty and Wendy. ______ teacher is Miss Fang.

A. They B. They’re C. Their

( ) 2. ---What ______ their uncle? ---He’s a postman.

A. does B. do C. is

( ) 3. I’m not well. Please call the ______.

A. doctor B. fireman C. waiter

( ) 4. There ______ a bowl and five bottles of water on the table.

A. is B. are C. aren’t

( ) 5. Here ______ some hay.

A. is B. are C. aren’t

( ) 6. ______ Kitty like coffee?

A. Do B. Is C. Does

( )7. She is angry ______ him.

A. on B. with C. of

( ) 8. That is a kite. It’s ______ kite.

A. Alice and Mark’s B. Alice and Mark C. Alice’s and Mark’s

( ) 9. My sister is afraid _______ snakes.

A. to B. of C. at

( ) 10. ---______ are the birds? --- In the tree.

A. Whose B. How many C. Where



3. 祈使句否定形式在动词前加don’t, 要注意please的位置。

1) 肯定句:

Feed the animals, please.


Don’t feed the animals, please.

2) 肯定句:

Please feed the animals.


Please don’t feed the animals.


sc- /sk/ scarf scarlet sk- /sk/ skate skateboard skirt Unit 2 At Century Park


sketchbook 写生本 cap帽子 camera照相机 fountain喷水池 an aviary一个鸟舍 some aviaries 一些鸟舍 pond池塘

far away离……远 road马路 take the school bus 乘坐校车

picnic basket 野餐篮子 peanut 花生 butter黄油 peanut butter花生酱 plant 植物 a plant house一个植物房(阳光房) ready 准备

some bread 一些面包 some candy一些糖果(不可数名词) have a picnic 野餐 go to Century Park 去世纪公园 at Century Park 在世纪公园

take some photos 拍一些照片 the map of the park 这张公园的地图 watch the fish and ducks 观赏鱼和鸭子 play on the swing 在秋千上玩

show the photos 展示照片 have a look 看一看


1. -----Where is Century Park ? 世纪公园在哪里?

----- It’s far away from our school. 它离我们的学校很远

2. It’s near our school. 它在我们的学校附近。

3. ---- What do you have? 你有什么?

---- I have a camera. 我有一个相机

4. ---- Can we take photos ? 我们能拍照吗?

---- Of course. 当然。

5. ---- Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

---- Yes,I am. /Yes, we are. 是的。


1. 特殊疑问词“Where”表示“在哪里”,常用于询问人或物体的位置。


Where is Danny? He’s beside the fountain.

Where is the plant house? It’s next to the aviaries.

Where are the birds? They’re in the aviary. (注意be动词的正确运用)

2. “What do/does … have?” 常用于询问对方或他人拥有什么事物。


What do you have, Danny? I have a cap and a pair of sunglasses.

What does Danny have? He has a cap and a pair of sunglasses.



th- [e] this that these those they there their

四、小作文:A visit to the _______


A visit to the farm

It’s sunny. My friends and I are on the farm. There are many animals on it.

They’re horses, cows, pigs, ducks and hens. Look, horses like hay. Cows like grass. Pigs, ducks and hens all like corn. We can feed animals there. But we can’t litter. I like the farm. It is big and beautiful.

A visit to the park

It’s a fine day. I go to Century Park with my family. Century Park is a big park in Shanghai. There is a fountain, a plant house, a pond and some aviaries in it. In the plant house, I can see many beautiful flowers and plants. Look, the aviaries are

homes for the birds. There are a lot of nice birds in it. I can take photos there. What a happy day!

Unit 3 Weather


sunny阳光明媚的 rainy下雨的 cloudy多云的 windy刮风的 warm温暖的 hot热的 wet潮湿的 dry干燥的

January一月 February二月 March三 April四月

May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月

September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月

China中国 Australia 澳大利亚 weather 天气 always总是,一直 often 经常 then 那时 make phone calls 打电话

each other 相互 season 季节 year 年 leaf 叶子(复:leaves) fall 落下 play on the swing 在秋千上玩 in Australia 在澳大利亚 at Christmas 在圣诞节 have a Christmas party 举办圣诞派对 an e-mail from Amy 一封来自Amy的电子邮件


1. ------- Where are you from? 你从哪儿来?

-------- I am from Australia. 我从澳大利亚来。

2. I live in China. 我住在中国。

My friend Amy lives in Australia. 我的朋友艾米住在澳大利亚。

3. There are four seasons in a year. 一年有四个季节。

They’re spring, summer, autumn and winter. 它们是春夏秋冬。

4. How are you doing? 你好吗?

5. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!


1.特殊疑问句 “How is the weather?” 常用于询问天气的情况

1)询问某个月份的天气情况, 如 :

-----How’s the weather in 一月的天气怎样?

------It’s cold. 天气寒冷。

2)询问某个地方的天气情况, 如:

------How’s the weather in ? 澳大利亚现在的天气怎样? ------- It’s hot and sunny. 天气热且阳光明媚的。

3)询问某个季节的天气情况, 如:

------How’s the weather in 秋天的天气怎样?

------- It’s cool and dry. 天气凉爽而又干燥。

2. 频度副词的位置。


It is always cool in autumn. It is often wet in April.

2) 行为动词的前面。

It often snows in December. It always rains in April.

We often make phone calls to each other.


th- [θ] thin thick thirteen thirty thirsty

-th [θ] path mouth month tooth teeth north




Spring comes in March, April and May. It’s warm and rainy. Plants grow and grow in spring. The leaves are green and the flowers are beautiful. I can have a picnic in the park. I like spring.


Summer comes in June, July and August. It’s hot and sunny. I can go to the beach. Many people like swimming in the sea. Do you like summer?


Autumn comes in September, October and November. It’s cool and windy. The leaves are red, brown and yellow. They fall and fall. We can fly kites in the park and play football in the playground.


Winter comes in December, January and February. It’s very cold and windy. The wind blows and blows. I have my hat, my scarf and gloves. I like skating on the ice. How funny!

上海 牛津英语 4A M4 unit1A visit to a farm 词汇语法和试卷习题

M4U1 A visit to a farm 一次去农场的参观


visit参观;拜访,hay干草,grass草,corn谷物,meat肉,litter乱扔(垃圾),walk走,pick摘;捡,throw扔,stone石头,don’t不要,rubbish垃圾(不可数), bin垃圾箱


1.On his farm he has three sheep.在他的农场上有三只绵羊。

2. Don’t litter. 不要乱扔垃圾。

3. Don’t walk on the grass. 不要在草地上走。

4.Don’t pick flowers.不要摘花。

5. Don’t throw stones.不要扔石头。

6. Please put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.请把垃圾放在垃圾箱里。

7. Now let’s visit the farm.现在让我们参观农场。

8. What do they eat? 它们吃什么?

9. They eat hay.它们吃干草。

10. He feeds the pig with the corn.他用谷物喂养猪。

11. The pig lives in a pen.猪住在围栏里。

12. It is angry.它生气了。







2.hay, grass, corn, meat, rubbish(垃圾),都是不可数名词。

3. feed the animals喂养动物;

grow the plants种植植物

4. Don’t litter. (换一种说法) >>>

You can’t litter.

Don’t walk on the grass. (换一种说法) >>>

You can’t walk on the grass.

5. let’s = let us让我们,后面跟动词原形:

Let’s go. Let’s play. Let’s sing and dance.

6. take a visit to + 地点, 一次去…的参观

Let’s visit the farm. = Let’s take a visit to the farm.

M4U1 A visit to a farm

I. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. Mark is a _____ ( farm ). He works on his _____ ( farm ).

2. How _____ ( many ) is this ice cream?

3. ---______ ( who ) footballs are these? ---They are ______ ( Jim and John ).

4. Here’s ______ ( some ) green grass.

5. My brother Mike ______ ( like ) toy ______ ( plane ).

6. Show ______ ( he ) that picture.

II. Rewrite the following sentences (按要求改写句子,每格一词) 就划线部分提问 )

What ______ sheep ______ to eat?

2. 就划线部分提问 )

How ______ ______ are there in the bag?

3. 就划线部分提问 )

______ Alice?

4. His friend’s name’s 就划线部分提问 )

______ his ______ ______?

5. We’ve got 就划线部分提问 )

What ______ you ______?

III. Read and complete the dialogue(阅读并完成对话)

Tom: Hello, ______.

Jim: Hello, Tom.

Tom: Today is Sunday. Let’s go ______ my uncle’s farm.

Jim: OK. Let’s ______.

Tom: There are many ______ there. They’re sheep, cows horses… Jim: I like horses. I like to _____ the horses.

Tom: That’s great! Let’s ride the horses.

IV. Choose the best answer ( 选择填空 )

( ) 1. They are Kitty and Wendy. ______ teacher is Miss Fang.

A. They B. They’re C. Their

( ) 2. ---What ______ their uncle? ---He’s a postman.

A. does B. do C. is

( ) 3. I’m not well. Please call the ______.

A. doctor B. fireman C. waiter

( ) 4. There ______ a bowl and five bottles of water on the table.

A. is B. are C. aren’t

( ) 5. Here ______ some hay.

A. is B. are C. aren’t

( ) 6. ______ Kitty like coffee?

A. Do B. Is C. Does

( )7. She is angry ______ him.

A. on B. with C. of

( ) 8. That is a kite. It’s ______ kite.

A. Alice and Mark’s B. Alice and Mark C. Alice’s and Mark’s

( ) 9. My sister is afraid _______ snakes.

A. to B. of C. at

( ) 10. ---______ are the birds? --- In the tree.

A. Whose B. How many C. Where
