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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/14 00:27:50 字数作文


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1. Advertising promotes and popularizes new products and give people everywhere the maximum choice of products .

2. Some advertisements are of high artistic value, original and well-designed with vivid pictures and witty language, artistic photography and witty slogan;

therefore they add to the beauty of our lives. They are a part indispensable to modern society.

3. Advertising plays an important role in our economic life and is indispensable to the consumer society.


1. Some leaflets and handouts are scattered here and there, polluting the environment. They are regarded as rubbish and a blemish on the landscape of the city. They disfigure our cities,

2. Advertisements are not always truthful, and a product is often misrepresented, false and deceptive. Many advertisements are fictitious, exaggerating, misleading and flying in the face of truth.

3. Advertisements are an insidious form of brainwashing. Some are mislead and tend to induce people to spend more and create demand for things we do not need.



Advertising can foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, promote products on the bright sides,let more people know it, understand it, have confidence in it.

Advertising is a way of marketing, it can help customers to expand sales to have more interests. Some brand advertising can enhance the brand value and image, so as to enhance the value of its brand products.And Public service advertisements can affect people's world outlook, values, the outlook on life .

Good advertisements will have good ideas and good execution. So they also can play the role of beautification life. On the other hand, the advertising has defiled with poor life.Good Advertising can help promote products advantages and reinforce products in customers'

mind, enhance the company image .

In order to make a good advertisement ,advertising should ensure its authenticity, impact, penetration, sales force, continuity, also should as far as possible simple and close to people's life.

篇三:雅思6.5练习作文 Advertising 带外教批改

Some people think that advertising has only positive impacts on society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Advertising has been exerting great impacts on our society and our everyday lives, far beyond our wildest imagination. It might be over-simplistic to say that such impacts are all for the good or in our best interest. Let us get down to the fundamentals and admit that advertisements are created by human beings. Therefore they cannot be perfect since we are not.

Admittedly, there are numerous merits of advertising in modern society. It provides necessary and affluent information of the products we are looking for. It greatly expands our horizons through a mixed method of multi-media technology and creativity thus, enlightening our lives from heavy work stress or household chores. Last but not the least, advertising has been widely recognized as a kind of arts and some great advertisements are even exhibited in the galleries or museums. However, all those mentioned does not justify the demerits of advertising. I only need to illustrate two main drawbacks.. The foremost one is the problem of credibility. These days though

thousands of advertisements are created,, their integrity is still in question. It is self-evident that each advertisement is more or less exaggerated in order to attract more potential customers and enhance the sales of products. The customers can easily be frustrated by the astounding

differences between expectations of the product after seeing the advertisement and the real one they bought home. As a result, they gradually lose belief in every advertisement. This is partly if not entirely, attributed to the misleading or false presentation of the advertisements.

The second drawback is that advertising leads to a waste of social and environmental resources. Many advertisements, especially those for luxury goods or clothes, are prone to them to imitate the same way of living by purchasing unnecessary and useless luxury goods such least government could take some steps against the negative impacts. For example, unrealistic and misleading advertisements should be banned immediately.

Rating: 6.5

Reason: Tenses seem to make you struggle. You are doing very well with your argumentation. I suggest that you try not to write long sentences because they can easily turn into run-on sentences. I think that you would be able to understand complex English although you may struggle if you had to write about a topic you were not familiar with. Keep practicing! ?


today advertising today is less honest than it was in the past, for that reason it is less useful for people to choose what they want to buy.

Within several decades, the field of advertising has changed significantly due to the major force of economic and social development, which leads to the diversity and

advancement in a variety of techniques used in advertisements. This intrigues a question: is the advertising today less honest than it was in the past time. From my perspective, the answer is yes. Here are my reasons.

First of all, a major element is the excessive usage of exaggeration in advertisements. In the past, when technology was still limited, what people saw in the advertisements was usually authentic. However, in this day and age, coming along with the information era, are more techniques used in the process of making advertisements. For instance, Photoshop can change the faces and bodies of the figures in the advertisements of makeups, which leads people to overestimate the effect of the products. However, after they purchase the products and use them, they always find that there aren’t such magical effects. Therefore, people start to doubt all the advertisements because they are not whether the things described in the advertisements are real or not. Advertising loses it credibility and becomes less useful.

The second point is that lots of advertisements no longer focus on the functions of the products. Rather, they try to utilize other aspects of the product which are of no practical use to attract consumers. For instance, the majority of the advertisements will look for a celebrity to endorse the products. The film stars or famous football players will usually show up on the posters or in the short movies. Consequently, people tend to buy a particular product not because they really think it’s functional, but rather, they are familiar with, or even fans of the star in the advertisements. Furthermore, some advertisements try to depict a way or attitude of life which their products represent instead of some specific functions of their products. The posters or short films may seem catching, but they are relate to the real effects of the products, thus are actually unserviceable to the customers.

Admittedly, there have been still some positive advancements in the advertisements which deserve some words here. With emergence of streaming media and other platforms on the internet, advertiser have more approaches to reach their customers. Therefore, customers can have more opportunities to know about more products. The diversity of choices can help consumers compare different products more objectively, and therefore

are more likely find the one they truly need. On the contrary, people in the past only had limited choices, because advertisements still largely depended on posters, which made it difficult for them to reach larger audience. However, this is just a minor merit. Compared with those aforementioned inauthentic and misleading aspects in modern advertising, it pales.

To sum up,
