
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:12:25


Except that the winter in Dalian is a little colder than that in Qingdao, the two cities are pretty much alike in other aspects. Both of them are located beside mountains and seas with picturesque views. They even have similar cultural atmosphere, such as beer festival which is a feature of both of them.

Qing Dao and Da Lian are alike in many aspects,except that Da Lian is colder than Qingdao in winter.They are both surrounded by mountains and water and have beautiful scenery.Even in some cultural customs,like their particular beer festivals,they are similar to each other.

Qingdao and Dalian are similar in the other aspects except that Dalian's winter is a litter colder than Qingdao.The two cities are relying on mountain and sea,their scenery are as beautiful as painti...


Qingdao and Dalian are similar in the other aspects except that Dalian's winter is a litter colder than Qingdao.The two cities are relying on mountain and sea,their scenery are as beautiful as paintings. Even they are very similar in the cultural environment,such as the two cities have their owm characteristics Oktoberfest.(纯手工翻译,应该没有语法错误,就是不知道地道不地道了,我是按我的理解来翻译的)


Despite the cold winter in Dalian, Qingdao and Dalian are similar in other aspects. They lie to the sea and were rounded by mountains.They all have beautiful scenery, and even share cultural resemblance, for example,beer festival is a feature of both of them.

英语翻译地道英语,机译的就别白费劲了.不要出语法错误,要地道些的英文.句子:除了大连的冬天比青岛冷一些外,青岛和大连在其他各个方面都很像.两座城市都依山傍海,风景如画,甚至在文 一道微积分竞赛题,求大神!请注意根号里面是sin-sin²x.还有不带根号解答的就别白费劲了~. 英语翻译不 喜 欢 孤 独、却 又 害 怕 两 个 人 相 处把这句话翻译成英语用翻译词典什么的就别回答了,我只要地道的英语翻译 谁知道“别再折腾我了”用英语怎么说?比较地道的英语翻译. 英语翻译我们学了一些计算机相关课程,如C语言,JSP,SQL2000,计算机网络and so on,但是这些课程所涉及的内容都不深入.(机译不要白费劲了) 英语翻译地道的英语 英语翻译英语.地道的. 英语翻译英语地道点,逐字翻译就不用了, 英语翻译尽量翻译的地道点,Thanks.英语菜鸟的就不要浪费时间了。 英语翻译地道点的英语, 英语翻译地道点的英语. “我们有理由相信……”怎么翻译成地道的英语地道~一定要地道!不一定要逐字逐句翻译,只要意思是这个就行,但一定要地道~~ 英语翻译当你心烦意乱,心灰意冷的时候.来根烟最好不过了!别用一般的翻译软件 不求华丽 只求地道! 英语翻译请将“原厂”一次进行地道英语翻译,中国式的英语就不必了.大家翻译的original factory我也会,不被老外理解,说是chinglish。 求2012年七年级下册暑假作业答案(南方出版社) 那些说大道理的 最好别回答 回答了也是白费劲 真有你的.别放在心上.比较地道的美式英语怎么说? 英语翻译标准地道的英语`````英美都可 英语翻译用英语怎么说?地道点的...