新视野大学英语 第二册 lead-in答案

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新视野大学英语 第二册 lead-in答案
新视野大学英语 第二册 lead-in答案

新视野大学英语 第二册 lead-in答案
1.what kind of music do most people prefer,slow or fast music?can you guess why>
It's hard to a difinite conclusion.. it depends. I think this has something to do with people's moods and personalities. A person in high spirits often enjoys quick-tempo music. When one feels blue,the choice is more likely to be slow, sad music to fit that mook. It semms to me that race may also play a role inour choice of music. Asians, like Chinese , Japanese and Koreans often enjoy melodies. The famous "Liang Zhu:, or "te romance of the butterfly, is a case in point. When we move westward, to India and Europe, for example, we can easily observe th e difference, for the musical rhythm there suddenly accelerates, and the music becomes more lively and upbeat.
2.what kind ofmusic do yu prefer, classical music or pop music?
personally, i prefer pop music, though i have no ovjection to classical music. classical mucic composed by such great musicians as Beethoven and Mozart is indeed brilliant, but few people can really appreciateit , let alone play or sing it. pop music is defferent. as the name suggests, it is popular with all people. we can easily understand pop songs. what's more anyone can sing pop songs without much difficulty sice they require little professional training. thus, the distance between the singer on the stage and the audience narrow. from time to time, the singer walks down to shake hands with fand, while the latter often sing along with their idols.
3. do you thin music can affect people's lives, for example, to calm people, to cheer them up, or to increase efficiency?
Generally speaking, i think so. at least this is true of most people. mothers tend to hum a soothing lullaby instead of a military march to their babies. at a sports meeting ,the music is often fast and vigorous. seldom is a painfully slow serenade played. with reapect to the issue of effciency, I'm afraid it is rather controversial. quite a few students prefer to listen to a walkman or a diskman while they are doing thier homework. ont the other hand, many demand absolute silence before they can concentrate on their academic work.

4. do you like singing karaoke? why?
i like to sing at a karaoke bar to relax. To my mind, this has at least two advantages. First, i can sing whatever i like to the accompaninment of the music from the TV. Second, after singing loudly or even screaming for a while, i often feel relaxed and forget my worries.
Unit 2
1. do you prefer to watch movies at home or at the theater? why
this is a difficult question, for most of us enjoy both. but if you press me with this question, I should say that persoally I prefer watching a DVD at home. It is true that watching a movie at a theater has a number of advantages. Fore example,the sound effects are much better. when yu hear guns firing in a theater, you feel as if you were on a real battelfield. moreover, the presence of an audience can create a good atmosphere. when you watch a comedy on TV by yourself, you may be amused by the funny words and actions,but you are unlikely to laugh out loud. in a theater, on the other hand, you may laugh heartily when the whole audience bursts into wild laughter.
in spite of those pluses for the theater, i have to say that i prefer to stay home and watch the same movie on DVD. in this way i feel more relaxed . I don't have to sit on a chair. Instead, i can lie on a sofa. I can drink tea or coffee while watching the movie. Ican also press the PAUSE button, go to the kitchen or toilet, and then come back to continue the movie. More importantly, if Idon't understad section of the movie, I can replay it. Obviously, the advantages of viesing at home outweigh the advantages of viewing it a t a theater.

2.which do you prefer, contemporary movies or classic movies? why?
different people have dirrerent choices, each with their reasons. grnerally, older people prefer old, classic povies, while young people choose contemporary movies, though we can find many exceptions to that pattern. It is reasonable for older people to favor th traditional movies of their time. When they see such movies, thier memories of the past will be activated. It is not uncommon for us to observe that when elderly people wee things in a movie that they personally experience, they get excited and even shed tears. some doctors say this sort of memory stimulation can have healing effects and slow doun memory loss.
while i understand that older people have good reason s to choose old movies, I prefer movies on contemporary themes. New movies are superior in many respects. Ffirst of all, the technoloty has improved, and therefore we can injoy better scienes. Second, the director, actors and actresses ahve all improved their skills. when you look at chinese movies of the 1950s, you may find some actors and actresses talk or act somewhat artficially. third ,contemporary movies are often colser to our dayly olives, and afer seeing them, we can understand our society better. In other words, new movies have better educational value. of course, the advantages of modern movies are not limited only to those I've just named. But they are reasons enough for me to make my choice.
3. whick do you prefer, chinese movies or fouengn movies?why
occasionally I do enjoy seeing a foeign movie, it can take my mind off to a distant land. The outlandish setting often excites me, and different values tend to give me much food for thought. however, my lack of background information often requires me to make too many inferences , and sometimes, i cannot understand certain parts of the movie. in such cases i may feel less entertained.
by comparison, I feel more at home with Chinese movies. I can easily associate the sciene and lines with the historical background. I can readily unerstand witty conversation and implied meanings. sometime i can evn predict what is going to happen from the speaker's tone or gesture. still, it is true that Chinese movies cannot yet compete with Western movies in filming technoloty,. I do hope the next generation of Chinese movies will make further improvement.
Unit 3
1. do you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages?
Generally speaking, marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages. in its long history, China has witnessed many tragic events arising from arranged marriages.
however, we should not go to extremes and claim that all arranged marriages are failures, after all, in the past 2000-plus years, most of the arranged marriages did survive, and some of the couples did develop real love after their marriage.
as for marriages based on love, they are not without problems. in the contemporary world, arranged marriages have almost disappeared. boys and girls go out on dates and gradually develop a love between them before they get married. Strangely, the divorce rate has kept rising. and the reasons for divorce can be very simple:"we can no longer communicate with each other very well" or "I've gotten bored with him or her".
In spite of the drawbacks of marriages based on love and the occasional successes of arranged marriages, it is obvious to all that the former are more in conformity with human nature. the traditional pratice of arranged moaaiages should not be restored.
2. do you think a girl should marry someone who is much older or younger than she is
personally, I think a girl should not marry someone who is too old or too young for her. with a wide age gap, a couple may be physically incompatible, and their ways of thinking may differ largely from each other. But I will not go so far as to claim that marriages with a wide age gap will all fail. We can find many perfect matches between a young girl and a middle-aged man.
Generally, we would do well to follow nature, and a girl should select her spuse from among people close to her own age. this will prevent many unnecessary difficulties.
Unit 4
1.Both sides spend piles of money to produce cool ads, but in face they will only cancel out each other's effort. Neither side will gain. Eventually, the large sums spent on advertising will be passed on to consumers. Sounds bad, doesn't it? But we have no alternative. If we alow ads for one product but forbid ads for another, this means unfair competition. As a result, one product will turn out to be successful, while the other is sure to have a poor market.
should we baan ads altogether? This seems fair to all manufacturers. but consumers will not have enough information about products to make a choice. Worse still, they may not even know a new product has been turned ot, let alone buy it.
Perhaps we had better acfcept ads, but we can impose restrictions on them to protect consumers' interests. For exaple, an ad should not include an untruthful statement or exaggeration. also, advertisers should not claim that their products are superior to oters, Restrictions like these may partly compensate for the shortcomings of advertisements.