求知识点 ,考点,语法点,He ran towards me with two eager hands----.A.stretching B.be stretched C.streched D.being stretched

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 22:31:34

求知识点 ,考点,语法点,He ran towards me with two eager hands----.A.stretching B.be stretched C.streched D.being stretched
求知识点 ,考点,语法点,
He ran towards me with two eager hands----.A.stretching B.be stretched C.streched D.being stretched

求知识点 ,考点,语法点,He ran towards me with two eager hands----.A.stretching B.be stretched C.streched D.being stretched
这道题考察的是with 的符合结构,也就是with + 宾语+ 宾语补足语
with 的宾语是 eager hands ,宾语和宾语补足语之间存在着逻辑主谓或动宾关系,宾语补足语要用非谓语动词.存在主谓关系就用非谓语动词的主动式,存在被动关系就用非谓语动词的被动结构.
那么就需要判断 eager hands 和stretch 的逻辑关系,表示伸展肢体,stretch 是个不及物动词,所以存在逻辑主谓关系,B,C,D 都表示被动关系,所以全部排除,只有A是正确答案.

求知识点 ,考点,语法点,He ran towards me with two eager hands----.A.stretching B.be stretched C.streched D.being stretched 求地理高中必修2知识点考点 explain用法(语法点.考点) 求牛津版上海英语预初及7年纪语法点,知识点,习题 细胞的结构考点的所有知识点,最好详细点,给老师汇总. 英语从小学到初三上的语法点.就是什么表语.不及物动词的知识点.感激不尽了.不求答案完美只求大家帮帮我梳理下知识点 求曲线,双曲线,椭圆的重要知识点归纳,和考点分析 求分析一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi 求分析一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi 求分心一下下面这段英文中的语法点Such a simple request.But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him,I could lose my job.So I told Billy I could not do that right now,but I suggested that he and I color a picture.Upon completi 初一至初二英语知识点,语法点(仁爱版) 英语中什么叫做知识点和语法点? 求高一下期英语主要知识点和语法点,急, he ran away. 求语法点 初二上册物理所有知识点、考点人教版 初一下半册历史考点和知识点 高中区域地理知识点考点总结 谢谢