开机时的英文 Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 谁给解决下.

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开机时的英文 Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 谁给解决下.
开机时的英文 Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 谁给解决下

开机时的英文 Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 谁给解决下.
开机后按Del键,进入BIOS,移动光标到Standard CMOS Features处,再把光标移动到DriveA处,回车,选中None,按F10键,再按Y键保存设置后回车.还有一个软驱控制器,在 Integrated Peripherals里,用同样方法移动光标,找到Super IO Device(或者是:IO Devices Configuration )回车,找到onboard FDC Controller回车,选中Enabled,用上述方法保存设置后回车即开机自检进入系统,此时软驱被屏蔽了

开机时的英文 Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 谁给解决下. Floppy disk(s) fail(40)是什么意思 Floppy disk fail 的汉译 information is s_____ on the hard disk or on a floppy disk 填个以s开头的单词 我的机子开机后,出现在一串英文,“em disk” “Disk I/o error” “Replace the disk and then press and key”开机时无报警声我的机子是98系统,开机时没有启动系统. hard disk前的介词是用on,那floppy disk 也用on吗? place installation disk #2 into the floppy drive and press the ok button我安装游戏时出的 怎么办 Floppy disk fail开机出现Floppy disk fail(40)要按F1才能继续,然后按F1以后一直跑Windows xp 那里就不动了 请高手帮忙 感谢! .What is Floppy Disk?用英语 floppy disk fail翻译成中文是什么意思? 一开机就出现This is not a bootable disk .please insert a bootable floppy and Press any key to try again 还有响声.怎么解决,最好详细点...按了其他键都一样继续弹那个提示...盘里没有任何的光碟之类的! 请翻译unable to write to the floppy disk drive! installation disk #2 in to the floppy drive 英语翻译No Floppy drives foundPlease Select a disk drive It's better to ______the dictionary_____the hard disk than______the floppy diskA.pot;in;in B. carry;in;in C.keep; on ;on D, place;on;on 英语翻译Some floppy disk drives that use 5.25-inch floppy diskshave a lever that you need to push down or to the side afterinserting the floppy disk. floppy floppy