一开机就出现This is not a bootable disk .please insert a bootable floppy and Press any key to try again 还有响声.怎么解决,最好详细点...按了其他键都一样继续弹那个提示...盘里没有任何的光碟之类的!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:50:04

一开机就出现This is not a bootable disk .please insert a bootable floppy and Press any key to try again 还有响声.怎么解决,最好详细点...按了其他键都一样继续弹那个提示...盘里没有任何的光碟之类的!
一开机就出现This is not a bootable disk .please insert a bootable floppy and Press any key to try again

一开机就出现This is not a bootable disk .please insert a bootable floppy and Press any key to try again 还有响声.怎么解决,最好详细点...按了其他键都一样继续弹那个提示...盘里没有任何的光碟之类的!




this motherbord is not supoort 77w开机时出现这么个,然后就死机了,求大神支招! the reader you have just installed is not yet available to applications.Please verify reader connections一开机就出现, 一开机就出现This is not a bootable disk .please insert a bootable floppy and Press any key to try again 还有响声.怎么解决,最好详细点...按了其他键都一样继续弹那个提示...盘里没有任何的光碟之类的! 开机出现file not this copy of windows is not genuine本本桌面右下脚出现,windows 7 build 7600 this Copy of windows is not genuine .开机时出现什么key ,每次开机桌面都变成黑色…求指教,怎么办 this is not a this.is.not.a. 华硕主板开机提示:This CPU is not supported by this model. 刚才还好好的,怎么就出现这个提示:This application is not currently available CPU TDP is over 80w thae motherBoard do not support什么意思Warning:CPU TDP is over 80w thae motherBoard do not support!Please shutdown or prss F1 to continue开机就出现这个,是什么意思?就高手解答 开机出现can not find SABI.dll THIS BAG IS NOT A 虚拟光驱为什么安装不了(this platform is not supported)?this platform is not supported~我想安装虚拟光驱的时候就出现了这个警告不知道为什么? 电脑开机出现 this product is covered by one or more of the following prtents有次意外断电后就每次都出现这个提示,然后要等检查完才能进入系统,按ESC可以跳过. 一开机就出现Wrong Driver Version按照驱动盘的 所有驱动都装了驱动是 HD ADECK的但是安了以后一开机时候 就出现Wrong Driver Version 点一下确定后出来 can not find VIA HD codec说下具体办法!如果解决了 笔记本出现this computer is being attacked怎么解决,笔记本开机后出现this computer is being attacked,请高手协助. 为什么华硕笔记本一开机就出现 Recovery in progress Please wait 该如何解决. 出错时让运行ChkDSK工具是什么意思?怎么解决,我一开机就会出现这样.